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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work


19 Aug 21
Anna Liebing
Liebing August 2021
Proverbs 16:9 says, “the heart of a man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps,” or perhaps in less elevated language, “if you...
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12 Aug 21
Laurie Eastup
Eastup August 2021
As usual, the past few months have been busy and an exciting mix of events. It has continued to be a joy to see all of the students...
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12 Aug 21
Solomon Ishaku August 2021
We recently started our admission process for the new school year. We did sign-ups for a week and on the first day, we had over 200...
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12 Aug 21
Catherine Upton
Upton August 2021
It’s official—I have plane tickets to fly to Liberia on September 24!
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12 Aug 21
Julie McKeighen
McKeighen August 2021
This Scripture has great significance to me personally as I consider the places God has taken me, currently 5000 miles from my homeland....
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12 Aug 21
Kiley Bronke
Bronke August 2021
It has almost been a year since I left for West Africa, and the Lord has used this year to teach me so much.
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12 Aug 21
Gwen and John Cicone
Cicone August 2021
Since our last newsletter on April 30, we have been busy finishing the 2020-2021 school year and beginning our initial preparations for...
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27 Jul 21
Peggy and Kent Martin
Martin July 2021
How can we begin to thank you for your love, prayers, and financial support of us over the past seven years? We have felt your prayers...
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08 Jul 21
Maureen and Jay Richards
Richards July 2021
This will be our final newsletter written to you while we are still in the United States. The next one will come from…somewhere in...
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18 Jun 21
Peggy and Kent Martin
Martin June 2021
We are again thankful for your love, prayers, and support of us here in Uganda. We have just finished the rainy season and it was quite...
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