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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work


15 Sep 21
Susy Harbick
Harbick September 2021
God has been gracious and merciful to us here in Plateau State.
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15 Sep 21
Melissa Wiedemann
Wiedemann September 2021
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15 Sep 21
Sarah McMahon
McMahon September 2021
I have now passed my one-year mark! Can you believe it? I am so thankful to God for keeping me safe and healthy overall.
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15 Sep 21
Andrea and Scott Nelson
Nelson September 2021
As our family begins our seventh year of service in Ghana, we are thankful for your partnership with us in the work God is doing here.
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15 Sep 21
Brittany and Jeremy Eagleman
Eagleman September 2021
Our new addition arrived July 6 and we are already back in Liberia! Read our September newsletter for details and pictures.
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14 Sep 21
Sarah Freeman Nshimyumukiza
Freeman Nshimyumukiza September 2021
So much has happened since my last newsletter, read my September update for details.
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14 Sep 21
Michelle and David Graves
Graves September 2021
We have now been in Uganda for two months—strong evidence that Bible verse is accurate! We are grateful to God and to you for your...
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14 Sep 21
Rose Allinder
Allinder September 2021
As all families do, the families at Rafiki Village Zambia continue to grow and change. Our families are comprised of the resident orphans...
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14 Sep 21
Kelly Fore
Fore September 2021
Summer 2009 found me venturing into six weeks of service at Rafiki Village Ghana. Days before leaving I overheard my parents, “She is not...
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27 Aug 21
Ugandan Lemonade
From the start of the pandemic, the missionaries and national staff at every Village have faithfully endeavored to continue providing...
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