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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

Wiedemann March 2022

“So Jesus said to the Jews who had believed him, ‘If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free’ ” (John 8:31-32).

It has been four months since I arrived back in Ghana, and it seems like four weeks! Thank you for supporting our work here. Please share in our time travel from December 2021 through March 2022 in the pictures that follow. Praise God with us for all He has been doing here! See how the students and staff are being trained to abide in God’s Word, devote their lives as His disciples, know the truth, and live in true freedom purchased for us by Christ.

In December, the Rafiki School had our first recitation in almost two years. The pre-primary and grade 1 students delighted us with their Bible memory work, songs, poems, and chants. This fearless performer never wavered as she led her class in Silent Night.

These children are not ashamed of the gospel and are bold prayer warriors. Each morning at school assembly, they pray and recite their memory work. How it warms my heart to witness the Word at work in their hearts

The students made snowflakes to decorate the dining hall. However, one boy decided a mask and hat would be of better use!

Birthdays with a beautiful cake and lovely celebrants always fill the dining hall with excitement. The girls usually take pictures with their mothers, while the boys choose their friends.


We also witness God’s truth releasing our teens from the lies of Satan. One young lad was studying his notes while also serving in the drum core at assembly. After a brief reprimand, I asked what he thought his consequence should be. His reply, “Please, Madam Melissa. I should not be allowed to drum for the rest of the term.” Very fitting and wise.

In January, we attended the naming ceremony for our newest resident, baby Grace. This is the third child for the Rafiki Parents of the boys’ residence hall. Their other children attend our school and soon Grace will join them.

Baby Grace

I first taught Josephine in 2005 at the Rafiki Girls Center. I recall her love of the hymns and the Fruit of Spirit Song. She had some concern about The Little Drummer Boy not respecting Christ’s birth. She learned English studying the book of John. She is now married and has enrolled her two daughters in the Rafiki School. I am still not certain her children understand I was their mother’s teacher! What a joy to see God’s Word at Work through generations!

Josephine and family

Our information communication and technology teacher is very gifted. He designed and produced the Rafiki ICT hanging chart he is standing beside. He is also a wonderful Bible teacher and abides in God’s Word. He sent me this message concerning his Reformation Study Bible which he received when he joined our teaching staff, “I have received lots of gifts from lots of people... but this gift is more precious than anything to me… for this I will always be grateful. My life depends so much on this.”

Teacher Michael and his ICT chart

The grade two students are shown eagerly anticipating his class!

March 7 was Ghana’s 65th Independence Day! The students found uniforms from previous years stored in an old trunk at the school. There were also wooden guns. As they showed me their treasure with delight and asked permission to use them for the Independence Day parade, I was focused more on the cobwebs, dirt, and termite dust! But they assured me they could wash them (by hand) and touch up the guns with shoe polish. Their joy, perseverance, and willingness to work hard won my heart. What else might they need? A flag, a commander, some drums, and a band leader. Let the parade begin!

Of course no Independence Day celebration is complete without a balloon arch!

Since it was a holiday, the young ladies were free of their school uniforms for the day.

Well, we have experienced God’s grace and blessings daily. There are many trials and annoyances as well. But sanctification is not an easy process. Disciple-making is difficult and delightful. Abiding in God’s Word is the key. We are free indeed.

Lastly, I will share some news from family in Tanzania. Ivan, Blandina’s son, turned 3 on March 5 and started preschool! His sister, Melissa, is enjoying first grade at Rafiki School and loves art.

Ivan ready for preschool

Melissa’s artwork

I am forever grateful for your faithful support, emails, cards, videos, texts, calls, and most of all, your prayers. I was recently notified by Rafiki Home Office that the deficit in my support level has been significantly reduced. There still remains a challenge. If you could prayerfully consider financially supporting my ministry with Rafiki, I would be very, very grateful.

To donate online:

  • Go to
  • Select “Support a Missionary” from the dropdown menu in the upper right.
  • Find my photo and enter the amount that you would like to give. (You can make a one-time donation or a recurring donation.) Thank you!

To donate by check, you can send your check to the Rafiki Home Office at PO Box 1988, Eustis FL 32727 with my name and missionary number (#167) in the memo line.

We praise God for His faithfulness and goodness. It is truly a blessing to see lives changed by His Word. Thank you for allowing me to continue to serve by your generosity.

May God bless you all.

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