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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

Honegger March 2022

“For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them” (Ephesians 2:10).

Greetings from Ethiopia,

It is with great joy that I write to let you know that I returned to Ethiopia on March 7. Though there is still conflict in parts of the country, the area around the Rafiki Village remains calm, and God’s Word continues to be at work through the school and childcare programs here. I dove right in to teaching: GL4 Math, GL7 Bible, and GL8 and 9 Language Arts. Please pray that I will get settled into the routine of teaching once again.

I was also able to “debrief” with the students on the leadership team. These six young men and women stepped up in a big way while the missionaries were away from the Village. They took responsibility for organizing the monthly birthday celebrations, planning the Christmas programs, mentoring younger students through exhortation and example, and assisting in other areas with enthusiasm. Other students expressed their gratitude for the ways the student leaders helped them during the last 4 months, and I was delighted to hear how they’ve been walking in the good works God prepared for them.

Reunited with the Student Leaders, my true sons and daughters in the faith (1 Timothy 1:2).

Before I returned to Ethiopia, I continued the work God had prepared for me at Rafiki Village Uganda in February. I assisted in the RICE Teachers College Program with grading, tutoring the college students, and completing much-needed computer projects including updating the grade book system. Leaving Uganda was bittersweet, as I will miss the missionaries and children who welcomed me so warmly. But how good of God to give me another place and people to miss!

Tendo, Chloe, and Joyce were some of the young ladies who made it hard to leave Uganda!

Thank you for your continued prayers, support, and encouragement! May you delight in walking in the good works Jesus has prepared for you, His treasured creation.

Prayer Requests

  • Complete funding for this term.
  • A full cohort of students in the Uganda RICE Program.
  • Rest and wisdom as I resume teaching and other responsibilities in Ethiopia.

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