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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

Dafoe March 2022

“Watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour” (Matthew 25:13).

I am praising and thanking God that He is our sovereign, all-knowing, all-wise God. We cannot know the day or the hour, but we do know the mighty King rules and reigns. Therefore, we shall continue to work as long as it is day!

Mothers, teachers, cooks, and other supporting staff, along with the missionaries, labored months and years to raise up this smart looking group of graduates of the Rafiki School in Zambia. We were very humbled and grateful as they walked the stage last December. These young men and women were being prepared to launch into a new world. As we said our farewells and sent them off with their families to embrace life in the “outside” world, they were excited to open their gift of a phone—their first! And that phone was the first of many firsts for them.

Rafiki School graduates

Getting ready for the “outside” world

As our children graduate from Rafiki, they are reintegrated with their families, carrying with them their hopes and dreams for the future as well as God’s Word planted in their hearts. Many have plans to go on to university, some to technical college, and others to trade schools. This year’s graduates did not have long to wait! Their grade 12 national exam results were out early which gave them the opportunity to begin their tertiary education within two months of their graduation. The flurry of activity to get this group along with last year’s graduates settled into their various programs was incredible! Looking back over the last two months and realizing how the Lord has provided for each one is truly a testimony of His faithfulness and goodness.

NIPA library, young men ready to pursue course in a computer science

Though there is attrition in the Orphan Care Program as our children grow and leave, the growth in the school is phenomenal. This January we were able to add thirty-six additional three and four-year-olds to the Early Childhood Program!

There is much more I could tell you about all the Lord is doing to bring wonderful education and the study of His true Word to many more Africans, but I will save it for another time. Just know that the Lord is building His Kingdom here in Zambia as well as everywhere in the world!

We were overjoyed to receive the team from the Home Office this past February for the first time in two and a half years! It was especially meaningful when our seventh graders received their Bibles from the Rosemary Jensen Bible Foundation by the hand of our Executive Director, Miss Karen Elliott!

Fellow missionary Rose Allinder and Executive Director Karen Elliott with the children that just received their very own study Bible

In closing, I ask that you not forget us over here in Zambia! Please remember us in your prayers.

With a grateful heart for your much appreciated prayerful and financial support, here is a little bonus photo for you!

2020 graduates who graduated from the Scholars Program at African Christian University last November

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