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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

Allinder March 2022

Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ(2 Thessalonians 1:2).

Greetings from Zambia where we have recently begun our new school year which typically runs January to December. Last December, our school graduated the second class from Grade 12. Many of these students have been able already to join college or university and begin their studies in Information Technology, Biomedical Engineering, Food Service, Fashion Design, and other diverse fields.

Graduation Day December 2021

Of the students who graduated last year, eleven were residents of the Rafiki Orphan Care Program. Now that they have moved to the next phase of their lives, the cottages where they had been living are being converted into classrooms. This has enabled us to double our early childhood classes (for children three- and four-years old). The growth will continue next year when we have two classes of kindergarten.

Three-year-old praying

As more resident children of our Rafiki Village graduate and move on, our school has more and more day students. This year, of our 300 students, about 250 are day students. Their parents are thrilled to have their children enrolled in our school, with its daily Bible study, highly-qualified teachers, small class size, beautiful surroundings, and rich curriculum. The families pay school fees, but only a portion of what it costs to provide this wonderful education. The balance is made up by donations, either to the general fund, or on behalf of individual students.

Three-year-olds playing

You might ask, “does this type of education make a difference?” I believe it does. Recently we asked day students who have sponsors to reflect on what they’ve been learning and how they are growing spiritually.

Here are some of the responses:

  • “I have been learning more about Jesus being my shepherd and provider” wrote one fourth-grader.
  • “My favorite hymn is ‘To God be the Glory’ because it reminds me of the things God has done,” wrote a third-grader.
  • Another third-grader wrote, “I can help [others know about God] by teaching my friends hymns we sing at school.”
  • A fifth-grader wrote that her favorite hymn is “He Leadeth Me: O Blessed Thought” because it tells her that God guides her and holds her by his right hand and comforts her.
  • Another fifth-grader wrote, “I have learned about thinking right thoughts about God.”
  • “A verse that has encouraged me is Matthew 18:6-9 because it is teaching me not to cause others to sin,” wrote one third-grader.
  • I could go on and on, but I think you get the point—students and their families and even their communities are being blessed through their participation in our Rafiki School.

If you’d like to support a day student, please go to and check it out. It will explain how you can support, encourage, and pray for students in our schools.

Prayer Requests

  • All 250 Rafiki Day Students to have sponsors and be fully funded soon.
  • For generous giving to the Africa Expansion Campaign. Rafiki is entering a season of exponential growth. We anticipate the thousands that Rafiki is currently ministering to across our 10 countries will turn to tens of thousands. To meet these new opportunities, we are asking God for a 25% increase over Rafiki’s current annual budget which could increase Rafiki’s impact 10-fold.

I end my letter with deep gratitude for your support of my continued work with Rafiki.

Thank you so very much!

Love, Rose

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