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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

Kropf March 2022

You have led in your steadfast love the people whom you have redeemed; you have guided them by your strength to your holy abode (Exodus 15:13).

Del and I both send our greetings to you. We hope you are doing well. Thank you for praying and supporting our work here in Kenya. We thank God that He has allowed us to be here for a year now. We are both amazed how quickly the year has gone! What a blessing it has been. As we have begun a new year, what a busy first few months it has been. Here in Kenya we are in the midst of the hot and dry season. It is also an election year and campaigning has started in earnest for the August election. Here at the Rafiki Village Kenya, we have added to our missionary team. Paul Okoth, Amber’s husband, was accepted to be a missionary with Rafiki. He brings a great addition to our team. Also, fellow team members, Rachel and Eric Aluvisa, welcomed a baby boy, Nathanael, in February. What a joy it has been to have a newborn in the Village.

Fellowship with the Rafiki Kenya team

The Rafiki Widows Program Kenya continues to thrive. We have eight different groups that we work with, and they are so appreciative for our partnership. They have been regularly making products and delivering them. Most of these groups use the Rafiki Bible Study to study God’s Word. When Lisa was visiting a group from one of our partner churches, the Pastor talked at length with her about the Bible study and then told the group that she wanted them to begin studying the Bible and to use the Rafiki Bible Study. What a privilege to give these ladies an opportunity to study God’s Word together.

The Rafiki School Kenya continues to grow. The school teaches preschool through high school to a total of about 400 students. We have filled our new three-year-old classes with thirty-six students, and we continue to have a waiting list for most grades. What a blessing it is that all these children begin each school day studying God’s Word through the Rafiki Bible Study. We just finished the 2021 school year and will be starting up 2022 at the end of April. The Rafiki school curriculum was written by well-known seasoned classical educators and leaders.

Rafiki students

Del has kept very busy helping with finances and overseeing the plant maintenance. Over the school break, the maintenance team is busy converting several of the cottages to classrooms and expanding some of the existing classrooms. Del is also planning to teach the senior residents how to drive a car and the Village Tuk-Tuk over the break. They are so excited!

Our new Tuk-Tuk!

Thank you again for your prayers and support. What a privilege to be a part of the work God is doing here in Africa helping widows, orphans, young adults, day students, and more.


  • We had 5 new students enroll in the Rafiki Institute of Classical Education (RICE).
  • Del’s continued health to serve here in Kenya.
  • God’s provision of new dorm parents for the boys’ residence hall. We welcomed Teacher Onesmus, his wife Martha, and their 18-month-old son, Myles.
  • The Village received a Tuk-Tuk which helps a lot with maintenance.

Note: Rafiki is now able to accept non-cash gifts such as real estate or estate bequests. Contact for more information.

Prayer Requests

  • God to open doors for quick, reliable delivery of the Rafiki Widows Program products to Home Office.
  • The safety and endurance for our plant maintenance staff as they work on many projects over the school break during this hot season.
  • Safety for Kenya during this election year and a smooth transition.
  • God to strengthen and sustain Del’s health so we can fulfill our 2 year commitment here.
  • God would allow for the implementation the Rafiki Education System (RES) in 100 African church schools.

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