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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work


15 Nov 21
Kiley Bronke
Bronke November 2021
Old Testament believers like Abraham, King David, and Daniel looked forward to the coming King, anticipating the day of Christ’s reign....
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15 Nov 21
Brittany and Jeremy Eagleman
Eagleman November 2021
We want to use the newsletter this month to express our gratitude for all the ways God has been faithful this year.
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15 Nov 21
Rose Allinder
Allinder November 2021
It is overwhelming for me to think of all I have to give thanks for, so I am going to organize some of what I am thankful for using an...
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25 Oct 21
Bibles for Africa
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25 Oct 21
Nichole Jackson
Jackson October 2021
Paul writes to the Ephesians to remind believers that “For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it...
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25 Oct 21
Maureen and Jay Richards
Richards October 2021
In our last update, we noted that our next one would likely originate in Africa. Well, here it is!
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17 Sep 21
Amy Ketcham and Tekle Kumera
Ketcham Kumera September 2021
This August, Tekle and I celebrated our fifth wedding anniversary and this September marks six years that I have served at the Rafiki...
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15 Sep 21
Martha Newton
Newton September 2021
It’s time for another update on life at the Rafiki School in Rwanda.
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15 Sep 21
Esther Honegger
Honegger September 2021
Though I have been away from the Village this past month, I have continued to pray for my colleagues and students in light of Rafiki’s...
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15 Sep 21
Sara and Phil Nickels
Nickels September 2021
As of the writing of this newsletter, we are enjoying vacation in Illinois and Missouri. We pray that you are staying well during...
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