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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work


17 May 21
Martha Newton
Newton May 2021
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14 May 21
Esther Honegger
Honegger May 2021
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20 Apr 21
Catherine Upton
Upton April 2021
What opportunities is God providing for you to serve? God has empowered every believer with His Spirit to obey the command to serve, both...
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20 Apr 21
Anna Liebing
Liebing April 2021
Well, it has been several months now since I sent out that first letter to tell you all that I was headed onto the mission field with the...
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19 Apr 21
Gwen and John Cicone
Cicone April 2021
In a year of so many changes it is reassuring to know that God has His loving hand over us. Speaking of changes, over the past twenty...
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16 Apr 21
Julie McKeighen
McKeighen April 2021
Jesus tells us in Matthew that we are the light of the world. We are to shine our light from the hilltops. We are not to hide our light...
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16 Apr 21
Brittany and Jeremy Eagleman
Eagleman April 2021
We started January 2021 by studying the Book of Genesis, and we are slowly making our way through it. We have really enjoyed our time of...
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12 Apr 21
Michelle and David Graves
Graves April 2021
As we near our projected departure date, it’s difficult not to be consumed by all the details of uprooting our lives and moving to...
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16 Mar 21
Solomon Ishaku March 2021
I have truly tried to keep you more in the loop, as time goes on this year. Although I may not send you something every single month, as...
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15 Mar 21
Carolyn and Doug Koepke
Koepke March 2021
We have been praying for everyone who has seen more snow and ice than you have in years! We are grateful your cold snap did not last too...
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