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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work


Shakiyla Ishaku and Ishaku Adumo
Shakiyla and Ishaku married in 2020 after meeting in the Rafiki Village Nigeria. They now work together as Rafiki missionaries.
Rose Allinder
Rose Allinder has been faithfully serving with Rafiki Foundation since 2000.
Rachel and Eric Aluvisia
Rachel began serving at the Village in Kenya in 2018, and Eric began volunteering at Rafiki Village Kenya in 2015.
Kiley Bronke
Kiley Bronke first felt called to the continent of Africa after going on two short-term mission trips to Burkina Faso, Africa.
Gwen and John Cicone
In September of 2020, John and Gwen contacted the Rafiki Foundation and began exploring the possibility of becoming missionaries in Africa.
Irene Dafoe
Irene read Rafiki’s mission statement and quickly found that she agreed with the foundation’s mission, purpose, and plan.
Laurie Eastup
Laurie Eastup has been serving as the Rafiki School Headmaster at the Rafiki Village Tanzania since 2018.
Joshua Espinosa
Joshua learned about Rafiki through his high school teacher, who is now the Headmaster of the Rafiki School in Malawi.
Michelle and David Graves
In 2019, David and Michelle Graves served as short-term missionaries with the Rafiki Foundation for a month at the Kenya Village.