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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

Okoth February 2022

I have exciting news. As you all know the Lord had more planned for me here in Kenya than I could have imagined. Marrying Paul has been one of God’s great gifts. We continue to grow in our love and knowledge of God which has led us to take the next step. Paul, after months of praying for direction for us, applied and was accepted to be a missionary with Rafiki. I will let him tell you a little more about how the Lord has provided and led him to Rafiki.

Jambo (Hello), my name is Paul Okoth. I am currently employed as an Academic Assistant to the Dean at the Rafiki Institute of Classical Education (RICE), where I am also involved in the Rafiki Curriculum Outreach Program. I’ve been with Rafiki for 13 years. I started as a student in grade school, continued in the RICE Program where I was trained as a teacher, became a Dean’s assistant before teaching grades 7, 9, 1, 4, 5, and 6 in the Rafiki School. I look back and see how the Lord truly has prepared me over the years for service to Him through Rafiki. After my mom passed on, my life became very difficult and challenging. Rafiki was doing an Outreach for orphans in the neighboring school and that was where I got to join and be part of the Rafiki School. Rafiki became like a safe haven for me from the day I joined. I took a great interest in learning the Bible as it was taught each morning before regular classes began. The missionaries who worked there were so kind and nurturing, unlike the life I was used to at home, Rafiki became a sort of escape from my reality. I came to faith in grade 9 through the Rafiki Bible Study. Now the Lord has put me in the position to serve as a missionary with Rafiki.

Our journeys to get where we are today, joined together by Christ in marriage and serving the Lord at Rafiki, have been full of pain and heartache but also joy, grace, mercy, peace, and love. We see the Lord’s sovereign hand, how He has led us, equipped us, and provided for us. His Word tells us in Ephesians 2:10 “ For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them. ” We desire to continue the good work at Rafiki that the Lord has begun and to faithfully walk in the calling that He has placed upon our lives together. We pray that you would faithfully join us in the work by partnering with us in prayer and financial support. We will have to raise additional financial support. If you have an interest in supporting us financially please email us at and we can send you a direct link for giving, or you can find us on the Rafiki website for giving, by searching missionaries Paul and Nichole Okoth.

With so many transitions, new roles, positions, and unknowns in this life, we hold fast to the words of the psalmist as he proclaims, “ But I trust in you, O Lord; I say, ‘You are my God.’ My times are in your hand ” (Psalm 31:14-15).

Prayer Requests

  • Complete funding for this term and commitments for the next.
  • Prayer and financial partners for Paul as he becomes a Rafiki Missionary.
  • All 250 Rafiki Day Students to have sponsors and be fully funded soon.
  • For generous giving to the Africa Expansion Campaign. Rafiki is entering a season of exponential growth. We anticipate the thousands that Rafiki is currently ministering to across our 10 countries will turn to tens of thousands. To meet these new opportunities, we are asking God for a 25% increase over Rafiki’s current annual budget which could increase Rafiki’s impact 10-fold.

Note: Rafiki is now able to accept non-cash gifts such as real estate or estate bequests. Contact for more information.

Thank you for your love and support.

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