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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work


19 Oct 18
Wiedemann Oct 2018
The beautiful double rainbow appeared the first night we resumed our ladies Bible study after Hurricane Florence. It was a welcome change...
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19 Oct 18
King Oct 2018
This past month has been full of questions, uncertainties, doubts, and fears. The last days and weeks before departure were full of...
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19 Oct 18
Dafoe Oct 2018
Greetings! I hope this letter finds you well and content in the joy of the Lord. I also hope you are happy to hear from me! I praise God...
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19 Oct 18
Maggio Oct 2018
Why do we often only begin to appreciate the purpose of our trials when we later begin to see how the Lord uses every piece of the jigsaw...
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19 Oct 18
Lam Oct 2018
I would like to introduce to you Calvin Ebu and Sharon Alwedo. Calvin and Sharon come from Apac, Northern Uganda. Apac has a population...
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19 Oct 18
Shakiyla Solomon
Solomon Oct 2018
First, I would like to thank all of you who have continued to walk with me throughout this process. I have learned much about God,...
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28 Sep 18
Melanie Martin
Martin Sep 2018
The Rafiki Foundation is in ten countries in Africa.
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28 Sep 18
Wendy Kinka
Kinka Sep 2018
Through the Rafiki Foundation, I have been so blessed to be assigned to the Rafiki Village in Ethiopia for the next six months.
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28 Sep 18
Julie McKeighen
McKeighen Sep 2018
If you have ever wondered what the “will of God” is for you, Romans 12 has the answer.
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28 Sep 18
Cindy and Larry Renner
Renner Sep 2018
Students were invited to draw any person from our Rafiki Village: student, staff or missionary. We have some very talented artists as you...
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