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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

King Apr 2019

“I will give thanks to the Lord with my whole heart; I will recount all of your wonderful deeds. I will be glad and exult in you; I will sing praise to your name, O Most High.” (Psalm 9:1-2).

Let me share some stories with you about God’s work here at Rafiki Village Kenya.

”I showed your handout to my pastor on Sunday and he became so excited about what he saw. He told me that I must be sure to attend every seminar and take careful notes about what I learn,” a choir member from one of the local PCEA church encouraged me with these words during tea at the second Church Music Seminar. She joyfully related to me how her church holds small groups on Sunday evenings and how they are beginning to share the stories of hymn writers and teach a new hymn each week during these meetings. Her excitement was contagious and I sent up a prayer of praise and thanksgiving to God who had chosen to use the humble efforts of the music course to impact a congregation after only one seminar. God is good. I had no idea how the seminar would actually play out when I began. It was the first time I had written a complete course based off of personal reading and research. To say that I was nervous is an understatement but God, in His mercy, used my feeble efforts to create a positive outcome. The attendees are enthusiastic and eager to learn about the theology of church music, historical context of hymns, and ways to encourage congregational singing. It is a joy to work with them and I give thanks to God for His grace.

Church Music Seminar

“Miss King! Can you please give me the notes for ‘Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star’?” One of my violin students eagerly requested the new song after practicing the assigned music for almost an hour. I consented and provided him with the desired song. Within fifteen minutes he was back, this time to perform the music for me. He and four other students come to practice at every opportunity. They practice together as a group and then proceed to teach and aid the other violin students in learning new songs. I enjoy peeking in on them every once in a while to see what they are up to. Their enthusiasm is such a blessing. They are not only students, they are also learning how to be leaders and teachers by sharing what they know with the other members of their class. Both of my violin classes had the opportunity to do a short performance at the beginning of recitation and they did a wonderful job.

Violin class

During the school’s midterm break I took some students to a masterclass in Nairobi. A violinist was visiting from Austria and the class was free. I found out about it a week before so I arranged to have some students accompany me in the van and we went off to downtown Nairobi for the class. It was a wonderful experience for the students and the teacher took time to work on each student’s bow grip and gave them tips on how to exercise their fingers. As their teacher, I appreciated the fact that they heard the same information that I had already been telling them from another teacher.

Riding in the van on the way to the violin masterclass

March was a month of firsts. This month was the first time that I drove to and from church successfully on the left side of the road! It was also my first time as the only missionary on the Village while the others traveled to Home Office in Florida for a time of enrichment. This month also marked the beginning of the first RICE term where I have a full load of classes and marked the delivery of the first container from Home Office to arrive during my time of service. I also visited the Kenya National Archives for the first time with friends from church and learned many new pieces of information about the tribes of Kenya. March was definitely a month of growth and I thank God for giving me the strength to meet each new responsibility and experience.

Container arriving

As Nairobi leaves the hot and dusty dry season, I am looking forward to cooler temperatures and rain to refresh the foliage. How fitting that Easter should fall at such a time when new life appears and the earth and is refreshed with the outpouring of life from heaven. Praise God for His remarkable plan of redemption and the glorious resurrection of our savior, Jesus Christ.

It has taken time for me to adjust to life at the Village and there are still adjustments to be made. I have many responsibilities and I have to be very intentional in how I spend my time. Each role requires preparation, planning, study, and prayer and I cannot spend too much time in one area or the other roles lack the preparation that they need. Thanks to God’s grace, advice from team members, and detailed lists, I am getting a grasp of how to lead the music program with diligence. There will always be room to grow but the Lord is good and the work is enjoyable. Thank you for your prayers and I pray that the Lord will continue to bless and keep you!

A new feature at the Village, a new track and soccer pitch!

Prayer Requests:

Pray for the successful start of term 2 on April 29.

• Pray for God to provide strength and wisdom to the Village team.

• Pray for the students to grow in their love of the Lord.

• Praise God for fifteen new RICE students in the program.

• Praise God for His continuing provision and safekeeping of the Village.

• Praise for God’s mercies that are new every morning and His great faithfulness.

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