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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work
Kucko May 2019

Kucko May 2019

I lift up my eyes to the hills. From where does my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth (Psalm 121:1-2).

Easter greetings and blessings to you; He is risen indeed,

The joy of seeing loved ones grow in the Lord and in accomplishments


This young lady has found joy in decorating with flowers, ribbons, and balloons for special occasions here in the Village. This is a photo of one of her first practicals at a school for learning the specifics of all kinds of decorating—the cake was beautiful as was her joy in doing it, and it tasted great as well!

Today, as I write this, it is Easter morning and the children and Rafiki Mothers have all gone to their church services. I remain as I am the one currently on duty.

I thought I would write to you as to how Easter is celebrated here at Rafiki Village Ghana. On Good Friday, a holiday here, all have breakfast and then go off to church services just like on Sunday. On Easter, at 6 a.m., we all gather at one of the cottage groupings called a gazebo for a time of Scripture reading and singing and worshipping together. Later after breakfast, they all leave for their respective churches, about a half hour walk into a neighboring village. It will be early afternoon before all have returned. A special Sunday dinner will be had followed by a bit of candy. As the day progresses, many will rest but others will have their impromptu soccer games.

The Monday following Easter is also a holiday on which many have church picnics with organized soccer and other sports. Our children attend either the Presbyterian or Methodist church in the village of Kotoku. Each church holds their Easter Monday Picnic at one of their neighboring partner churches, giving a wider awareness of other fellow believers. At days-end, all are tired and activities turn to preparation for school to resume on Tuesday.

I give praise and thanks first to the Lord and then to each of you for this wonderful opportunity over the years to serve the Lord here and rejoice in His care of this, His Village, and His children. One of those joys is seeing the graduates that sometimes return during their holiday breaks from studies to visit their younger brothers and sisters here and lead them in fun activities or encourage and counsel them. So again, I thank each of you for the many and various ways you support, pray, and care for me.

Since I wrote last, we have celebrated Ghana’s Independence Day with a parade, finished the first school term of the year, had the following three week break, and the customary Dining Hall cleanings. Oh how these children love playing in water—even if it is in work!

Independence day parade

Water Play...oops, I mean work

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