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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

McMahon Apr 2019

Many of you are already aware of the life-altering change that is on my horizon, and others may know only bits and pieces. Let me bring all of you up to speed about my next chapter. I am delighted to share with you that I have been accepted by the Rafiki Foundation to become a missionary teacher in Africa!

Since “rafiki” is the Swahili word for “friend” the Rafiki Foundation borrowed it to signify their mission to partner with the people of Africa. They help Africans raise their standard of living and education while also giving them the priceless gift of God’s Word and saving grace. While I was attracted to many aspects of Rafiki, the overarching mission of reaching Africa for Jesus by serving their physical and spiritual needs resonated very deeply with my heart.

What will I be doing? Amazingly, I will be doing a lot of the same things I have been doing here in the United States. The cool part about God’s call is that He both gives the desire and equips for any specific work. While moving to sub-Saharan Africa may sound like the farthest thing from your mind and desire, it has truly been a dream of mine for over a decade. While there, I will teach classroom music and lessons, as well as leading musical ensembles. I will also take on other jobs related to helping the Village run smoothly, such as leading the mothers who care for the resident children or coordinating visitors to the Village.

What does this mean for me now? My goal is to leave late this fall or early winter 2020. The most important things I will be doing to get ready will be raising prayer and financial support and training to be a Rafiki Missionary. In the meantime, I will finish out the 2018-2019 school year, and then work full-time as a prep-hand at Pure Pastry until I go. I would also love to spend as much time as I can with all of you before my departure. Simply contact me and we can schedule a time.

What can you do? Each one of you is so dear to my heart for unique reasons and have already carried me with your love and encouragement. Honestly, you do not have to do anything. However, if you are joyfully compelled to support me, there are certainly a handful of things you can do.

• Stay updated while I am overseas through letters just like this one. Simply expressing your interest in what I am doing will be an encouragement to me. I would love to hear from you too!

• Commit to pray. Every update will have prayer requests to guide your thoughts. Additionally, are you someone who would like to lead a monthly prayer gathering specifically for me and Rafiki as a whole? What a blessing that would be!

• Give financially. I will rely on your generosity to live and work overseas. Raising funds will be the main determinant for my moving date, since I am required to have at least eighty percent of my first two years’ support before I leave. Any size gift is welcome. Give online at and enter my name (both one-time or recurring payment options), or by sending your check to the Rafiki Home Office at PO Box 1988, Eustis, FL 32727 with my name in the memo line. All donations can be tax-deductible and are greatly appreciated.

I would love to continue this conversation with you and answer any questions you may still have. Thank you to all of you who have already expressed such love and support for what I am doing. It will be very difficult to leave you all, but I am excited and expectant for all the good work the Lord has prepared for me.

Soli Deo Gloria (Latin for “Glory to God alone”)

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