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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work


10 Dec 18
Allinder Dec 2018
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21 Nov 18
Kucko Nov 2018
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15 Nov 18
Eastup Nov 2018
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15 Nov 18
Wiedemann Nov 2018
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15 Nov 18
Baden Nov 2018
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15 Nov 18
Harriott Nov 2018
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15 Nov 18
Martin Nov 2018
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19 Oct 18
Harbick Oct 2018
Rafiki Village Nigeria is alive and well, though I have been negligent to keep you up to date on all that is happening. Let me catch you...
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19 Oct 18
Kumpe Oct 2018
“Oh give thanks to the LORD; call upon his name; make known his deeds among the peoples!”(1 Chronicles 16:8).
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19 Oct 18
Fore Oct 2018
The sudden sparkle in students’ eyes when the wonder of what they are learning has enraptured them—this is what I live for as an...
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