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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

Allinder Mar 2019

Whatever you do work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men (Colossians 3:23).

Greetings from Rafiki Village Zambia!

In my last newsletter, I wrote about the many workers—the cooks, groundskeepers, guards, cleaners—who make the Rafiki Village possible. They are all important. Also important are the students who work at the Rafiki School. It is very, very culturally appropriate for students to take on many tasks within their schools and it is our hope that when the Rafiki students do this, they are also incorporating the above verse into their daily lives. Here are some examples of students learning to work with all their hearts as to the Lord.

Every school day begins with our older boys coming at 7:00 a.m. to assist in preparing breakfast for the 150 day students. Not only are the young men providing a valuable service, but they are learning to be dependably and reliably on time each day.

Boys preparing breakfast for fellow day students

Please pray that all the students in Rafiki schools prove themselves faithful in small tasks, like pouring tea, and are found worthy of greater tasks to serve the Lord.

Last year the president of Zambia launched a campaign to make the country “clean, green, and healthy.” Our school was already pretty green but we were able to buy some additional plants and it has been the responsibility of students to keep individual portions weeded and watered. Of course, we want to support the president’s initiative but we also want our students to see themselves as stewards and caretakers of God’s creation.

Primary student carefully watering plants at school

Please pray that every student will continue to make Zambia clean, green, and healthy in their homes and communities, and that they see this a way to fulfill God’s mandate to take care of His creation.

Our school has begun prefect training for 2019 and these young leaders have important roles to fill. They set up science lab equipment, are responsible for arranging computers for the Upper School computer classes, oversee the use and storage of sports equipment, and help process and arrange library books. Not only do they complete these needed work assignments, but it is our prayer that through these roles they develop leadership skills which God may use in the future throughout Zambia.

Prefect unpacking books for school

Prefect cleaning a microscope before it putting into the storeroom

Please pray that God continues to use Rafiki to prepare the future generation to serve Him and they serve their countries as godly leaders and contributors.

And on the topic of work, I am grateful for the privilege to work for Rafiki Foundation. It is only possible because of your generous contributions, prayers, and encouragement. Thank you!!

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