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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

Eastup Apr 2019

“The Lord is your keeper; the Lord is your shade on your right hand” (Psalm 121:5).

Our current Bible study is taking us through the fifth book of the Psalms. The reminder that the Lord is my keeper and my shade was particularly striking to me this week. We have been experiencing the hottest season of the year with very intense sun. It is a great relief when I can find the shade of a tree or a roof to protect me from the penetrating rays. To think that through all the journeys of life God Himself is standing at my right hand to give me shade and protection, provides me the greatest relief. As I look back over the first six months of serving here, I can see so many ways that God has helped, guided, and protected me personally and the Village at large. What a joy to share some of the things that God has allowed us to do here!

Our teachers continue to be recognized for their efforts to engage students and provide student-centered learning. Their lessons are meaningful, memorable, and thought-provoking. This past month, Standard Two was studying the skeletal system. To help them learn about how bones, cartilage, and joints work together, their dynamic teacher had them gather around a chicken from the kitchen. You would have been amazed by the vocabulary they were using to describe the parts of the chicken. It sounded like they were anatomy students.


Standard Six has been participating in a science collaboration with a school in Taiwan. The students in each school researched the four types of plants—trees, shrubs, flowers, and grasses—that can be found on their respective campuses. They then exchanged their research to learn about the differences and similarities and how the plants play a role in the biodiversity of each location. At the same time, our students were studying Psalm 111 which speaks of the splendor and majesty of God’s work. What a pleasure to see the students studying God’s intricate creation with awe and wonder.

kids 2

Standard Four finished reading The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, which they all greatly enjoyed. Their teacher fosters a love for reading, as an avid reader herself, and makes the story come to life. Just talking to them about the book, you could tell that they were completely captivated. It was as if they knew Aslan, Peter, Edmund, Susan, and Lucy personally. As a closing project, the students created character sketches. These now proudly hang in their classroom as a display of how much they have learned.


Meanwhile, the construction on the science labs continues to go strong. Students, teachers, and visitors alike are impressed by the high quality and what a great learning environment they will provide. Just imagine all that our young scientists will learn about biology, chemistry, and physics in these buildings. We thank God for all of the people who have donated to provide all that is needed for the construction and for the hard labor that so many have put into this project. We continue to pray that we will see our secondary students performing scientific research at these tables soon!


As we approach Easter, I pray that you experience the joy of celebrating that Jesus is risen and reigning as Lord over all creation. He stands at your right hand as your Savior and helper, providing peace and protection. We will certainly be celebrating here!

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