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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work


10 Mar 20
Andrea and Scott Nelson
Nelson Mar 2020
Last summer at the Missionary Renewal and Debriefing camp we attended, we talked a lot about transitions. They are a fact of life, and an...
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10 Mar 20
Kiley Bronke
Bronke Mar 2020
Much has happened since I joined Rafiki’s Home Office staff in Florida, and my preparations for the field are coming along. Read my March...
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10 Mar 20
Sara and Phil Nickels
Nickels Mar 2020
As we peer ahead into the near future, we at Rafiki Tanzania dearly hope and pray that it will include the registration and opening of...
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06 Mar 20
Rose Allinder
Allinder Mar 2020
At our classical Christian school in Zambia, we strive to have our students value truth, goodness, and beauty. What does this mean in the...
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26 Feb 20
Lisa and Del Kropf
Kropf Feb 2020
We send our greetings and would like to update you on how preparations are going for our service with the Rafiki Foundation. Read our...
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25 Feb 20
Girum Jiru and Tigist Jima
Girum Jiru and Tigist Jima Feb 2020
Our God has done great things for our family and His sustained love, grace, and guidance has been with us during the past three months....
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21 Feb 20
Rachel King
King Feb 2020
January is a busy time of year here in Kenya and so it flew by very quickly but I do not want to neglect wishing you a blessed start to...
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20 Feb 20
Nichole Jackson
Jackson Feb 2020
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13 Feb 20
Karen and Richard Farrand
Farrand Feb 2020
We are now back in the U.S. and we are delighted to share the good news that during our term as deans in 2019, we graduated fifteen...
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07 Feb 20
Kiley Bronke
Bronke Feb 2020
I believe that everyone loves a good story. We sit around fires and dinner tables and tell tall tales; we reminisce about good times and...
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