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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

Aluvisia November 2020

Do not be deceived, my beloved brothers. Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change. Of his own will he brought us forth by the word of truth, that we should be a kind of firstfruits of his creatures” (James 1:16-18).

How I thank God for your love, your support, and your prayers. I am excited to update you with what has been happening here in Kenya. The United States celebrates November as the month of thankfulness and reflection on the goodness of God throughout the year, and so it is a good time for me to share with you what God has been doing these past few months.

Kenya opened its borders to international travelers on August 1. It was an answered prayer. My parents were able to come and be with me the week before the wedding and it was such a blessing for both Eric and me. They were able to meet Eric’s family, see a few sights around Nairobi, as well as where I work and the new expansion to the piano room! The wedding day was full of joy and their presence made it even more joyous.

Meeting Eric’s family

Nairobi National Park

Eric and I have settled in well and we are now living in an apartment ten minutes away from the Village. I am excited to let you know that Eric has now been officially accepted as a Rafiki Missionary. We are both excited to see how God will use both of us in the years to come. Eric will help with managing projects around the Village, which is in line with his degree in landscape architecture. He will also help with the music program in providing additional lessons to the children and I will be training him in the Rafiki Institute of Classical Education (RICE) music curriculum. He will officially begin his work as a missionary once he is able to travel to Home Office in Florida for the Rafiki Missionary Training. Please pray with us that the U.S. Embassy will begin issuing visas again and that he will be able to obtain a tourist visa without any difficulty.

Piano room expansion

The month of October marked the beginning of my third year with Rafiki! It has been a joy to serve with the Rafiki Foundation here in Kenya. I have seen my students grow in their musical abilities and have gotten to know the children in so many ways over the past two years. The Lord has also blessed me with a wonderful church family here in Nairobi. They have been a great encouragement to me and have strengthened me in my service at Rafiki Village Kenya.

Another exciting announcement is that schools are beginning to reopen! Grades four, eight, and twelve were allowed to resume classes on October 12. These classes were selected because they have large exams at the end of the year. We hope that the rest of our students will be able to return soon and resume a regular schedule as well. It has been a joy to see students back at the school and I have been able to reconnect with some of my violin students whom I have not seen for over six months!

The break from school has given me a unique opportunity to work with the resident children in one-on-one lessons. It has been so much fun and I have enjoyed having the time to teach the students individually. Once school resumes, it will be difficult to find time for everyone. I am thankful that I had this opportunity and that we were able to take advantage of the extra time. We also had the opportunity to go through the entire Book of Exodus as a Village! It was a wonderful time and I enjoyed leading a group of students through the book, learning more about the Old Testament law, seeing the covenant promises of God being made, and showing them how Christ fulfilled the Old Testament law. We just finished studying the Book of James and it has been a great encouragement to everyone to cling to heavenly wisdom while fleeing the human wisdom of self-gratification. Now we are going through 1 John and considering the importance of Christ’s incarnation. Please pray that God will use these studies to have a great impact on the hearts of both children and staff.

Please continue to pray for Eric and me as we continue our work with Rafiki. As you may remember, I had initially signed a two-year contract with Rafiki. I am now beginning my third year and I would be so grateful if you would consider extending your support for me and Eric as well. Your prayers are invaluable, and we appreciate everything that you do to strengthen us and keep us on the field. Thank you for your prayers and may God continue to bless and strengthen you as well.

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