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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

Anica Pederson November 2020

Jambo everyone,

Greetings again (in English) to everyone, and love to you all from the beautiful Rafiki Village in Nairobi, Kenya! I never thought that I would be writing a newsletter of my own one day. I grew up as a Rafiki MK (missionary kid) from the age of three and I am now blessed to be visiting my parents where they have been living and serving for eight years. Being connected with Rafiki for over twenty years, I have seen growth, challenges, joy, and God working in ways both mysterious and miraculous. Rafiki literally means friend in Swahili and the aim of Rafiki is to be a friend to those who are friendless based on James 1:27 “ Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world .”

Rafiki has a Widows Program that assists widows with creating products from their country which then get sold in the U.S. The widows get all of the profit. I have been asked to assist in developing the Widows Program by being a point of contact with our partner church widows groups and helping them with new ideas for products.

The children here range from age eight through college age, including some living outside the Rafiki Village. With COVID-19, only the few community students in grades four, eight, and twelve have been allowed by the government to resume on campus classes at the Rafiki School with resident students. The resident children have also been busy after school with many activities lately, including learning how to take care of the eight new bunnies that were born recently, and a lot about weeding! I have also been asked to develop a more substantial after-school program for the children. One example is the line-dancing that we introduced to the kids during their weekend gym night; some of them picked it up, some not so much. During one of our study hours, we were playing “Around the World” geography. Thankfully they all could spot Kenya! I look forward to developing other after-school and weekend extracurricular activities for the children.

Amos with first fresh eggs from the chickens

Birthday washing tradition for 18-year-olds!

I am also working on the libraries here trying to get them as close to the Dewey Decimal system as possible. My next step will be to help the children keep it that way! The afternoon I wrote this letter, the fourth grade teacher came up to me and asked if I spoke any additional languages. I replied that I spoke some French. So, I will now be teaching beginner French. It is funny, earlier this year I was crying out to God to fill my days. I do not think I have that problem anymore! I will also be taking two final courses at the online Animal Behavior Institute to finish my Animal Assisted Therapy certificate in January.

Before I close, last week one of the house parents shared that one of the children here had given his life to Christ! What an amazing show of God’s promise of salvation, and the real reason I am here. To shine God’s light in darkness, and to plant His seeds in fertile ground.

I am trying to raise funding to stay as a Rafiki Long-Term Missionary for one year. Please consider partnering with me either in prayer or financially.

Prayer requests:

• God’s patience and perseverance to rain upon me and run through me.

• For wisdom to reign over the Kenyan leadership as they navigate the waters of getting students back into school.

• For me to be open to God’s creativity and splendor.

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