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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

Richards December 2020

And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called…” (Colossians 3:15).

Madalitso ochokera kwa Richards!
(“Blessings from the Richards” in Chichewa),

Merry Christmas dear friends and family! May the Peace of Jesus bless you this Holy Season.

Earlier this year, we were privileged to take a missionary visioning trip to Kenya. We served in the Rafiki Village near Nairobi and were amazed at the work the Lord is doing there through the ministry of The Rafiki Foundation. We assisted students in their studies, national teachers in lesson preparation, participated in the Rafiki Bible Study, and learned the ins and outs of administering an operation that cares for orphans and widows, and provides classical Christian education to hundreds of children.

We helped teacher college students prep for exams

Bible study with these sweet young ladies in their Rafiki cottage

As a result, we clearly heard the call of the Lord to become long-term Rafiki Missionaries. The need is tremendous. The Rafiki Foundation is present in ten African countries, and the harvest is plentiful while the workers are few. We were humbled to learn that the Rafiki Home Office and Board of Directors have been praying for a couple with just our gifts and skills to join in the work. So, in obedience, we are ready to go!

We have been assigned to the work in Malawi, East Africa! The Village is in the north of this small and beautiful country, near the regional city of Mzuzu. At present, there is only one missionary assigned there. The predominant heart language is Chichewa, although many other tribal tongues exist. English is the language of business, government, and education and the language spoken and taught in all Rafiki Villages.

The plan is for Maureen to become the Dean of the Rafiki Institute for Classical Education (RICE) teachers college. This work prepares young people to become classical Christian teachers. Currently, there is a 17 million teacher shortage on the African continent. What a wonderful way to bring Gospel doctrinal clarity and professional skills to those eager to expand the Kingdom of God in this country! Jay is slated to become the Village Administrator with oversight of the operation of the Village’s focused programs—Bible Study, Orphan Care, Widows Program, Education, and RICE—as well as supervising the national staff and maintaining plant and equipment.

Lord willing, we will depart for Malawi in July, 2021. Please prayerfully consider supporting us as we seek to follow His leading in obedience. A one-time gift or regular monthly support are all helpful! Visit our Rafiki Missionary page at

Above all, please join us in prayer for the following:

Financial sufficiency to depart for Malawi in July.

• Approval by the Malawian government for work permits—potentially an 8-month-long process!

• The multitude of details in preparing to go, including finding good renters for our home.

Soli Deo Gloria!

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