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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

Kropf November 2020

When Jesus heard this, he said to him, ‘One thing you still lack. Sell all that you have and distribute to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow Me’” (Luke 18:22).

Dear friends and family,

We send our greetings and are excited to update you on how preparations are going for our service with The Rafiki Foundation. We are in the midst of making plans to leave for Nairobi, Kenya January 15, 2021. It will be here before we know it, and we are getting excited for the opportunity to go! It is hard to believe that our next newsletter will be from Rafiki Village Kenya.

Here are a couple pictures from our last trip to Rafiki Village Kenya.

Del fixing a cement mixer

Evening devotions with a Rafiki Village Kenya cottage

This has been a long wait for us, but during this time, we are continually reminded of God’s call for us to go. The verse above was from church this past Sunday. We left for church that morning feeling a little discouraged and God met us there once again specifically with a sermon about how it is worth it to follow Jesus. One of the truths that morning was that we must forsake it all to follow Him. As we prepare to go, we have mixed emotions about leaving our families­—especially our children—but God keeps asking us to trust Him, follow Him, and surrender the right to determine the course of our life. We are also planning on leaving a house that is still for sale as of the time of writing this letter. During this pandemic and election, it has been a time of not placing our hopes in people and things, but of placing our hope in the only sure foundation, Jesus Christ.

The Rafiki Village Kenya is doing well. With a flattening of the curve, Kenya has removed most travel restrictions and started a phased reopening of schools. Grades four, eight, and twelve students have resumed their studies at the Village. All community students from these classes are thrilled to be back in school. The Rafiki Institute of Classical Education (RICE) is once again fully operational. Twenty-three RICE students and teachers sat for national exams October 21-23.

Prayer Requests:

Gods continued provision, protection, and guidance as we prepare to leave.

• God would bring the right buyer for our house.

• Safe travels to Kenya, and for a good adjustment for us there.

• Continued safety and good health for the Village as they enter the cold season and have increased interaction with those outside the Village.

The government will continue to open schools for all classes in a safe and orderly manner.

• New opportunities for the Rafiki Widows Program and new ideas of product to make.

We would like to take the time to thank each one of you for your prayers and support. Part of us being able to follow God’s will is your willingness to partner with us in this calling. You too are following Gods call and are a big part of the work God is doing in Africa.

To donate online, go to, select “Our Missionaries” and type in our name. To donate by check, send to the Rafiki Home Office at PO Box 1988, Eustis, FL 32727, with our name and missionary number in the memo line. Thank You!

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