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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

Maggio November 2020

You then, my child, be strengthened by the grace that is in Christ Jesus, and what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men, who will be able to teach others also” (2 Timothy 2:1-2).

We bring you greetings again from Zambia. We have been well and kept in the grace of the Lord and hope and pray that you also are experiencing the grace and peace of the Lord Jesus Christ.

At the Rafiki Institute of Classical Education (RICE) in Zambia, we have been preparing another class of young Zambians for their graduation from the program and beginning of their new vocation in teaching. On November 27, the four men and nine ladies of the 3D or senior cohort of RICE will receive their diplomas in Early Childhood and Primary Education.

The students have learned the distinctives of classical education and more specifically classical Christian education, the goal of which is to help children develop a love for God, for man, an appreciation of the truth, beauty, and goodness we see that comes from God, and a love for learning.

The students come from various backgrounds and places around Zambia. They share in common the desire to pursue higher education and the lack of support to attend a fee-paying university. Through the generous help of Rafiki’s donors like you, they have been able to fulfill their desire to further their education.

There has been the much missed sound of students in the halls at the RICE facility as the full body of thirty-three students returned for classes on September 21. This term we had students in the 1D and 2A levels as well as the senior level of students in 3D. In the D levels, the students observe and practice teaching at the Rafiki preprimary and primary schools. In observing the 3D level students, Tom was impressed by their confidence, preparation, and enthusiasm in the classroom.

Rafiki’s desire is for the RICE graduates to help children to know God through education and to have a reforming effect on the education system of Rafiki’s partner church schools. For those motivated to start their own schools in association with partner churches, Rafiki is willing to provide assistance with school curriculum and other materials.

The need for teachers is great in Africa, so our hope is that these new teachers will in turn impart a desire in their students to serve God by serving their fellow man by teaching. Would you join us in praying for them to be faithful to God who has provided for them over the past three years and indeed their entire lives.


• Zambian schools were reopened to all levels of students and there have not been any major health challenges.

• Doris Anema has completed her year as RICE Dean and has remained healthy.

• The graduation of thirteen students from the RICE Program.

Prayer Requests:

Tom is planning to travel to Malawi to assist with the administration of the Rafiki Village for three weeks. Pray for safety and health and for Lusubilo who will remain in Zambia.

We are grateful to God for your continuing support and encouragement. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving celebration and may you enjoy the Lord’s peace as you cast your cares on Him.

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