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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work


13 Dec 19
Lusubilo and Tom Maggio
Maggio Dec 2019
We trust you are well and enjoying the worship and joy of the Christmas season.
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10 Dec 19
Christie VanKuiken
VanKuiken Dec 2019
Another year has come and almost gone. It has been a great one full of God’s faithfulness. Click on my December newsletter to read about...
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10 Dec 19
Julie McKeighen
McKeighen Dec 2019
Once again we come to the end of another year and the time to celebrate the birth of our Savior. Here at the Rafiki Village Liberia, we...
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10 Dec 19
Elin and Paul Klauke
Klauke Dec 2019
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10 Dec 19
Rose Allinder
Allinder Dec 2019
As we come to the end of another year, we will begin seeing lots of end-of-year lists like “Top 10 Movies of 2019” or “Top 10 Best...
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04 Dec 19
Lisa and Delwyn Kropf
Kropf Dec 2019
We have an exciting opportunity coming up that we would like to share with you. Read our December newsletter learn all about it!
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04 Dec 19
Janet Kucko
Kucko Dec 2019
I send my love and thankfulness to all who enable me in so many different ways to serve the Lord here at the Rafiki Village Ghana.
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25 Nov 19
Peggy and Kent Martin
Martin Nov 2019
Changes of seasons are all around us, and I have always loved Fall the most. May you all have a blessed Thanksgiving and enjoy thanking...
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21 Nov 19
Rachel King
King Nov 2019
The grass is green and growing, birds sing in the trees, the ground is wet and fertile, and God’s Word is being planted in many hearts...
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18 Nov 19
Sara and Phil Nickels
Nickels Nov 2019
As we travel along the roads in Tanzania, a favorite pastime is to read the messages painted on buses and the mud flaps of trucks. Read...
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