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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

Pederson November 2020

For everything there is a season” (Ecclesiastes 3:1).

We are quickly approaching the season of Advent; that glorious period when we anticipate the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ. It brings with it beauty, joy, excitement, and gratitude. This year will be no different despite it being a year of all years. God has enabled us to use this year to continue to minister in Kenya; and we pray that it has drawn us and others into a more wonderful understanding of and deeper relation with our heavenly Father.

Eggs: As we reported to you in our earlier newsletter, we brought laying hens into the Village… and then waited… and waited for them to lay! Finally, in August, Paul and Amos excitedly brought us the first eggs! They had been hiding them until they had about a dozen to show for their hard work. We promptly made them an omelet. Thank God for this vocational training opportunity and the provision of eggs for the Village.

Wedding: The biggest event in August was that our team member, Rachel King, married Eric Aluvisia. The small wedding ceremony was followed by a socially distanced (okay, they weren’t socially distancing for the photo) reception at Rafiki. Thank God for this couple who modeled a godly relationship, and also for the chance for our residents, especially graduates, to help with the reception. A number of them are studying hospitality and this was hands-on experience!

Birthdays: Our resident children are growing up quickly. When the younger ones came back when the travel restriction lifted, a number of graduates came back as well. Their campuses were still closed but they were able to do online learning. Between all of them we had 6 kids who needed an 18-year-old birthday shower which we gladly accommodated.

School: The government opened schools for children in classes four, eight and twelve in mid-October so we have formal schooling for them as well as providing informal lessons for the rest of the residents on campus. They all continue to study the Bible every morning. Currently we are in 1 John.

David has also organized our teaching staff to prepare lessons for our students from the community. In all of this we are preparing classrooms for socially distanced learning in January. We are grateful we have the space to do this. God has given us much and we hope it will bear fruit.

As time continued to pass without school, David saw an opportunity to provide training for parents and other teachers. They were given four half-day sessions on classical Christian education with the goal of helping them to make more meaningful use of their time at home with their children.

Finally, we are preparing to start our first five pilot schools using the Rafiki preschool and grade one curriculum. Staff from these schools will receive a full day of training from our teachers who love what they do and want others to catch the fire as well!

We hope to travel to see family in December (big decision). We ask you to pray for:

Our safety and health as we travel

• The Lord’s protection over the Rafiki Village and the children in December.

• The wisdom and ability to prepare for a safe and enriching school resumption in January.

Always grateful for your partnership in this ministry.

P.S. Our daughter, Anica, is here with us and planning to stay and serve for a year!

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