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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

Cannon November 2020

I am back in Rwanda! After an extended visit back home in the U.S. while waiting for schools to reopen in Rwanda, I am finally back at Rafiki! Ours was one of the first schools in the country to reopen because we were able to meet all of the government’s guidelines for social distancing and hand-washing. We are half way through term two already, and students are very happy to be back with their friends and teachers.

A few of our resident students helped me plant a flower garden back in February. Just before the first zinnias bloomed, everyone had to leave due to COVID, and by the time they came back in October, the kids were sad to see the flowers had gone to seed and overgrown with weeds. But when we took a closer look, we saw that many zinnias and marigolds had re-seeded and were already several inches high! So, in addition to starting again with new seeds, we keep digging up sprouts and transplanting them all around the Village. It will be very colorful around here in a month or two!

Transplanting flowers around the Village

The art room is a bustling place once again! Many classes are starting units on color, so there is a lot of paint and creative, happy mess in the room. No matter what their age, the opportunity to experiment and mix colors is both exciting and relaxing!

When the projects are based on storytelling, I have asked students to reflect on the unique and sometimes challenging experience of being away from school for seven months. The second and third graders are creating drawings based on the illuminated manuscripts of Medieval Europe. Students were challenged to tell a story of something that happened to them using only pictures. So there are drawings of surprise birthday parties, scraped knees, milking cows, visiting distant relatives, driving around Kigali, and a particularly amusing one of a boy chasing his chicken down the road. Artists find inspiration in all parts of life!

Third grade students hard at work on their art projects

There is another school building being constructed here at Rafiki to accommodate the plan to double-stream all of the classes and allow more students to attend school here. (Already we have two first grade classes!) The roof was put on the new building last week and the plumbing has been successfully installed.

The new primary building for grades four, five, and six

Thank you so much for your continued support of both me and the work that is being accomplished at Rafiki! Your generous donations make it possible for me to continue teaching art here. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me! For more information about Rafiki, please visit:

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Thank you!

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