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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work


22 May 23
Maureen and Jay Richards
Richards May 2023
Our daily Village-wide Rafiki Bible Study has us currently in the Book of Joshua. Here we are commanded to hold fast to biblical truth...
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22 May 23
Kiley Bronke
Bronke May 2023
The Rafiki Village Ghana has completed our study of the Pentateuch (Imagine how cute that big word sounds coming from the mouths of...
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22 May 23
Anica Pederson
Anica Pederson May 2023
When thinking about the last few months Psalm 65:8 comes to mind, “so that those who dwell at the ends of the earth are in awe at your...
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21 Apr 23
Anna Liebing
Liebing April 2023
I have been pondering this verse in the last couple of months. Here, Jesus is sending out His disciples to proclaim the kingdom of...
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21 Apr 23
Crystal and Theodore Wilson
Wilson April 2023
“Seize the day!” As the morning assembly concludes, you can hear Rafiki students joyfully shout these words when prompted with the Latin...
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21 Apr 23
May Nealey
Nealey April 2023
First of all I want to thank those of you who have joined in supporting me during the last three months. Your prayers and donations are...
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21 Apr 23
Michelle and David Graves
Graves April 2023
Have you ever wondered what our typical day is like here at Rafiki Uganda? Read this months newsletter to find out!
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21 Apr 23
Lisa and Del Kropf
Kropf April 2023
This year has been off to a good start as we have seen much evidence of the Lord’s faithfulness in our lives. Del had a successful kidney...
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20 Apr 23
Gwen and John Cicone
Cicone April 2023
Back when we first looked at serving with the Rafiki Foundation two distinguishing factors grabbed our attention: daily Bible study and...
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20 Mar 23
Esther Honegger
Honegger March 2023
Back in January our high school physics students had the opportunity to design and build a bridge out of popsicle sticks, and then test...
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