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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work


21 Nov 22
Anica Pederson
Pederson November 2022
I pray all of you are steeped in the knowledge of the Lord’s infinite mercy over His judgment, and the secure joy we can have in that...
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21 Nov 22
Theo and Crystal wilson
Wilson November 2022
The 12,935 hours that have passed since we first visited Kenya together last year have been humbling in many ways. God has used the...
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21 Nov 22
Maureen and Jay Richards
Richards November 2022
Merry Christmas! As Christendom turns to the joy of celebrating the Advent of our Lord Jesus, we are eager to share with you the joys we...
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21 Nov 22
Catherine Upton
Upton November 2022
As I navigate the learning curve of cross-cultural ministry and both the blessings and complications it brings to life, it is encouraging...
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21 Nov 22
Carolyn and Doug Koepke
Koepke November 2022
Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas from Doug and Carolyn in Jos, Nigeria!
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21 Nov 22
Anna Liebing
Liebing November 2022
Happy holiday season! In honor of Thanksgiving (which I desperately miss!), let us make this letter a series of short stories, each of...
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21 Nov 22
Amber and Paul Okoth
Okoth November 2022
Throughout life people often wonder what God is doing with them, where is He calling, or sending them. We read throughout scripture that...
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19 Nov 22
Michelle and David Graves
Graves November 2022
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19 Nov 22
Esther Honegger
Honegger November 2022
The holiday of Thanksgiving is a time to look back on the year in gratitude for all God has provided and celebrate the bountiful harvest...
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19 Nov 22
Lisa and Del Kropf
Kropf November 2022
As we are wrapping up 2022, we are rejoicing in our service here in Eustis, Florida. We are also rejoicing for each one of you who have...
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