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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

McMahon May 2024

“For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them” (Ephesians 2:10).

I cannot believe it is almost the end of the school year. Maybe the school year has already ended for you or your children by the time you read this, but our school year will end at the beginning of July. Regardless, this brings its own excitement for us here in Ethiopia as it is our very first graduation. Most of the grade twelve students are residents, so in addition to moving on academically, they will also be reunited with family soon as they begin their next stage of life. How bittersweet! I am happy to have been a part of their lives for the past four years or so, and it is exciting to dream of what will happen next. But of course, it is sad to see students move on and away from the day-to-day interaction we have enjoyed. 

Along with their moving on, I have bittersweet news of my own. Many of you already know. After almost four years living in Ethiopia and serving here, Rafiki has asked me to move to Ghana to be the Headmaster of the Rafiki Schools there. This past year, Rafiki has had many Long-term Missionaries move back to the United States. Much shuffling has needed to take place to ensure that vital positions are covered. When I got the call to move, I was completely surprised. I was not looking for a change or any kind of promotion. I have been very content here and joyful to serve the teachers and students here, as my last newsletter indicated. Truly, I am not looking forward to leaving the students, teachers, and missionaries I have grown to love here.

My missionary team in Ethiopia for the last three and a half years. I’m sure going to miss them. (L-R: Tekle, Amy, Esther, and me)

And yet, I believe this is direction from God to call me to a new place and position to further His kingdom and glory. I am willingly going, amidst tearful goodbyes, knowing that where He leads me is always best. Admittedly, I do love an adventure of seeing new places and meeting new people. This new position is going to stretch me very much, since I have never considered myself to be an administrator on a scale as large as this will be. However, I also know that when God calls, He also equips us for the job at hand. I look forward to joyfully empowering the teachers in Ghana to increase in skillful and creative instruction, in igniting the imaginations of the students to all they can learn, and in encouraging all of them to further become godly contributors for their country. None of this will be possible without God’s strength and wisdom guiding me and the many prayers of all of you for me. 

Teaching an art lesson to the preschool teachers during a typical afternoon class time.


Ecstatic 3rd graders getting to take their recorders home for the first time!

A special dinner with Home Office staff, national staff, missionaries and 12th graders. The students each shared about the specific impact Rafiki has had on their lives.

Specifically, I am looking to move mid-July directly from Ethiopia to Ghana. The current Headmistress there needs to move back to the U.S. before that, though, so I will also have a short two-week initiation at the beginning of June before the end of their school term. This will certainly add to the hectic nature of the end of the year, so please pray for additional stamina as I try to manage all these things. 

Thank you, as always, for your continued support. My time in Massachusetts this spring was very life-giving. You hosted me, prayed with me, gave of your time and money, drove me around, fed me delicious meals, and shared great conversations. I hope you were as refreshed as I was! Also, I was able to increase my own support in many small ways. Thank you again! I currently have no shortfall, but still need some monthly supporters to ensure that it can remain that way. If you or someone you know is interested in supporting me and bridging that financial gap, please go to and follow the links to give. Additionally, if you are part of a church, small group, or school that is interested in supporting me as a Rafiki Missionary, I would be delighted to give more information. Simply email me with the necessary contact information and I can help set that up. I appreciate every bit from the bottom of my heart.

Two of the 40 people I got to spend time with individually during my time in the U.S.


Praise the Lord for

  • The beautiful relationships I have built over the years with the students and staff here in Ethiopia.
  • Another year of uninterrupted schooling for our students.

Pray with me for

  • Ending this school year well.
  • The many goodbyes I will be making over the next couple of months.
  • Stamina and wisdom as I pack and move from one country to another.
  • The handing over of Headmaster roles in Ghana from the previous missionary.
  • The transitions of our graduating twelfth graders.
  • Twenty new Long-term Rafiki Missionaries this year to go and serve.

Soli Deo Gloria (Glory to God Alone).

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