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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

Okoth May 2024

The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God will stand forever” (Isaiah 40:8).

Just over a year ago, my wife Amber and I embarked on a transformative journey to serve in Uganda. We found ourselves in a completely new environment, immersed in a culture so different from ours, and grappling with a language that was foreign to us. Despite these differences, we found solace and unity in the Word of God, which remained constant and unchanging. Just as we had witnessed in Kenya, its transformative power continues to change lives here in Uganda. Armed with this Word, we press forward, filled with joy and anticipation for the work that God will continue to do among these wonderful people.

In our daily service, we are privileged to witness firsthand the enlightening power of truth. Each day, Amber takes the time to share this precious Word with teachers, during interviews, and when we are in the process of finding new teachers for our students. Through her interactions, she has noticed a pressing need to shift new teachers’ perspectives on children. She has come to understand that the root issue is a lack of knowledge of who God is. As A.W. Tozer so eloquently writes, an individual’s thoughts about God are the most important, as they shape their worldview. Misunderstanding God can lead to misguided views about children. Amber has seen how studying the Word of God has brought about a change in teachers’ perspectives on children.

One thing we have observed among most of the prospective hires is their lack of personal Bible study. It is not uncommon to find that many do not own a Bible, a trend I have also observed during Outreach trainings. For this reason, we are incredibly grateful to the Rosemary Jensen Bible Foundation. With their help, this year, we have distributed 200 Bibles to children across various Ugandan schools. The joy we see in the children’s eyes as they receive their own copy of the Word of God is a sight that brings us immense satisfaction and delight.

We invite you to join us in expressing our deepest gratitude to God for the provision of these Bibles. We eagerly anticipate the wonderful things that God will continue to do with His Word in Uganda, transforming both young and old lives, and filling our hearts with hope for a brighter future.

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