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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

Bronke April 2024

“This God—his way is perfect; the word of the Lord proves true; he is a shield for all those who take refuge in him” (2 Samuel 22:31).

Much has changed at the Rafiki Village Ghana in 2024. When I returned from Christmas holiday in the United States, I was promoted to the role of Headmistress of the Rafiki School after my dear friend, mentor, and former Headmistress, Melissa Wiedemann, retired from the mission field. Though much has changed, one thing proves true: the Lord continues to be our Rock, Shield, and Fortress. He upholds the school and the souls of every teacher, staff member, and student.

I have been reminded daily that there is no need to fear and that the Lord’s ways are perfect. He is working out His will in our school, and we are cooperators in His perfect ways!

He saw us through term two of the academic school year, and we have now begun term three. Every day, students’ hearts and minds are being shaped to form them into godly contributors. As the saying goes, “It takes a village to raise a child.” Our thirty-plus teachers, from early childhood to junior high, are committed to the spiritual formation of their students. Allow me to share some sweet fruit.

We are finishing our study of the books of 1 and 2 Samuel. Our character study of David has revealed to us God’s steadfast faithfulness to His people, the effects of sin, and the blessings of true repentance. Truly, students need these lessons to “walk worthy” with the Lord all the days of their lives. As the teachers have studied the distinctives of classical Christian education the past two terms, we have considered statements such as the one by Dr. Brian Williams, “Classical educators look at the eight-year-old students in the desks before them and see the thirty-eight, fifty-eight, and seventy-eight-year-old adults they will become.” As our teachers diligently do the Rafiki Bible Study and prepare their lesson plans, they are impacting the Christian character of Ghanaian children for years to come. Below is just one example.

As I sat in a recent seventh-grade Bible lesson, I was pleased the teacher was prepared with thought-provoking questions and held his students to a high standard. After considering Nathan’s tact in confronting David with his sin, this question was asked, “Who has the Lord sent to shepherd your heart back to Him as Nathan was sent to David?” A student raised his hand and gave the following honest answer:

Rafiki. Through the home devotion pages and the Bible study, I have been shepherded. I used to only go to church and that’s it. Now, I know it’s about more than that.

At the end of the day, that is what we are here for—students being trained in the goodness of the Lord.” Please join me in praying that he (and all our students) would live out what they know before the watching world. Pray too for the teachers who give their time and talent to shepherd these young souls.

Thank you for your continued prayers. You are part of this good work for the Lord!

Our first try at school-break music lessons was a success!

Little souls shepherded by their wise teachers during recitation practice last term.

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  • Send your check to the Rafiki Home Office at PO Box 1988, Eustis, FL 32727 with my name and missionary number (#249) in the memo line.

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