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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

McDaniel May 2024

“Then Peter said in reply, ‘See, we have left everything and followed you. What then will we have?’ Jesus said to them, ‘Truly, I say to you, in the new world, when the Son of Man will sit on his glorious throne, you who have followed me will also sit on twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel. And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or lands, for my name’s sake, will receive a hundredfold and will inherit eternal life. But many who are first will be last, and the last first’ (Matthew 19:27-30).

We thank you for your support in so many ways, especially you who have committed to supporting us through prayer and financial support. Please remain steadfast in your prayers for us and for the entire Rafiki Village in Malawi, that we would serve Christ with one mind and one heart, loving those around us with the true love of the Gospel.

Rafiki works in ten countries throughout Africa to cultivate a multitude of godly contributors through Bible study and classical Christian education in our own schools within each Village, while also through partner churches and schools to transition their schools to classical Christian methods using Rafiki’s curriculum. Rafiki also trains classical Christian educators and works with local widows groups to purchase products from them for resale online in the Rafiki store in Mount Dora, and at the Home Office.

Bryan will be working as Malawi Outreach Manager and Plant Manager, and Alexis will be working as the Orphan Care Administrator. Bryan’s work will consist of developing and growing relationships between Rafiki and our partners throughout Malawi. Part of that work includes assisting with resource requests on behalf of our partner ministries and churches in Malawi and coordinating the receipt of those resources through Rafiki from our publishing partners. He will also work with the Plant Management (PMG) staff in the Village to oversee various improvement projects there, along with the ongoing maintenance needed to keep the Village operating with excellence.

Left to right: Kondwani N’goma (pastor at Christlike Church Mzuzu), Bryan McDaniel, Brino Kumwenda (pastor at Christlike Church Mzuzu)

Left to right: Anna Liebing (Rafiki Missionary), Bryan McDaniel, Brino Kumwenda (pastor at Christlike Church Mzuzu), and Steve Kranz (Rafiki Facilities and Outreach Director)

Alexis will work closely with the Rafiki Mothers in the Village, who care for and guide the Rafiki children (those brought to our Villages as orphans). Each Mother oversees a cottage where they seek to raise the children to fear the Lord, know His Word, perform well in school, and participate in their daily Bible studies. Alexis and the Mothers will also help prepare the children for their university studies and life outside of the Rafiki Village once they have graduated, as many of them came to Rafiki as young children. Alexis will continue to homeschool our three children in most subjects while serving with Rafiki, but our hope is that they will come to be friends with the Rafiki children through shared classes and learn the global unity of the Church through those friendships.

Rafiki Village in Mzuzu, Malawi

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  • Hover over our picture and click the “Read More” button to learn more about us!

To donate by check:

  • Send your check to the Rafiki Home Office at PO Box 1988, Eustis, FL 32727 with our name and missionary number (#260) in the memo line.

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