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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work


18 Sep 23
Carolyn and Doug Koepke
Koepke September 2023
The Book of Ecclesiastes says, “There is a time for everything under sun.” Over the past few months, we have seen God’s provision,...
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18 Sep 23
Anica Pederson
Anica Pederson September 2023
It is my joy to look over the past few months with you and remember what the Lord has done!
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18 Sep 23
Lisa and Del Kropf
Kropf September 2023
This has been a year of seeing God’s faithfulness in so many ways. God has been faithful to help us get settled living in Eustis, Florida...
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18 Sep 23
Maureen and Jay Richards
Richards September 2023
It is the middle of the dry, red-dirt, dusty season now in Malawi. The particulate-laden atmosphere makes eyes itchy, sinuses sniffy,...
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14 Aug 23
Anna Liebing
Liebing August 2023
Each term, I choose a passage of Scripture that my teachers and I memorize together and review several times a week until it has really...
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14 Jul 23
Michelle and David Graves
Graves July 2023
Since we last wrote you, we have completed two years of service with Rafiki and look forward to many more. We have been incredibly busy...
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14 Jul 23
May Nealey
Nealey July 2023
The next time you get a newsletter from me I will be situated in the Rafiki Village in Malawi. I have been eagerly anticipating my move...
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14 Jun 23
Esther Honegger
Honegger June 2023
The goal of the Rafiki School is to train virtuous scholars: students who love God and desire to honor Him with their hearts, minds, and...
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14 Jun 23
Carolyn and Doug Koepke
Koepke June 2023
“And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up” (Galatians 6:9).
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14 Jun 23
Catherine Upton
Upton June 2023
Thank you all for your faithful prayers for me while I have been back in the States for medical leave. Knowing that I have the prayer...
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