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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

Newton June 2022

“Only fear the Lord and serve him faithfully with all your heart. For consider what great things he has done for you” (1 Samuel 12:24).

We have had some exciting group events here that I want to share with you this time.

First, our girls won the district championship in basketball and are practicing and sharpening their skills to play in the continuing games which will be held in Kigali. The boys placed second in the district basketball games.

How do you like my phone camera picture? The ball is actually in the net!

We celebrated Mother’s Day. The students asked me if I would help them coordinate a gift and card for each mom. We did the presentation during our Sunday evening chapel service. The Rafiki Moms and Vicky were really surprised. I got a card too thanking me for helping.

We also celebrated Father’s Day.

Our school was one of seven that were invited to the University of Rwanda’s Health professionals career day. We took the 10th and 11 th graders for the event. It was very well done, fun and informative for the students. They all got their blood typed, Epa had his arm checked by ultrasound. He is all clear of any anomalies for a five-inch span on his forearm! They had a “tour” of a brand-new ambulance and much more. Donatha talked with a man at a booth and came to find me to tell me about this Christian group that helps blind people. Actually, they fund-raise to help organizations that provide assistance to disabled people.

The best part for the guys was learning all about the Zipline drone that delivers medical products as well as agricultural products to hospitals and farmers in Rwanda.

I recently visited a handful of Anglican-church-partner widows who make the baskets for us. Please buy a basket or two or ten so we can give the ladies a new order. They have children to feed, clothe, and school fees to pay.

Travel is open. If anyone wants to come here and serve with us for two weeks or longer, just get in touch with Geri Sullivan ( We welcome you.

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