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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

Wilson August 2022

“Come and see what God has done: he is awesome in his deeds toward the children of man” (Psalm 66:5).

Mavis was orphaned when both of her parents died of illnesses. She and her twin half brother and sister were then cared for by an impoverished uncle who could not provide for their basic needs. He appealed to Rafiki to assume their care. Mavis and her half siblings moved to the Rafiki Village Ghana in August 2010.

Mavis quickly benefited from the quality care, nutritious food, and loving environment at the Village. She has a calm and gentle demeanor that puts everyone around her at ease. She continues to grow spiritually as her love for God’s Word grows. Her favorite hymn is “What A Friend We Have In Jesus” because of its truth that we need to carry everything to God in prayer.


The fruit of God’s work through Rafiki is spreading in Ethiopia and many people want to send their children to the Village school as day students. But space is limited: for fifteen openings in the most recent EC1 (preschool ages 3.5 to 4.5) cohort, more than 500 people applied! Many resident students learned to plant vegetable gardens this year and the Village enjoyed fresh produce while saving on food costs.

In addition to the care and training of children, God touches lives through other Rafiki programs: Rafiki missionaries in Kenya currently work with eight local widows groups to produce handcrafts which are then shipped and sold in the U. S. These women are “so appreciative” for a partnership that makes feeding their families and accessing Rafiki Bible Study materials possible. Church leaders in Ghana recently received 4,000+ copies of the Rafiki Bible Study, providing churches country-wide with study materials they could not afford themselves.

Widows in Kenya

As for Crystal and I, we continue the phases of sharing, selling, shedding, and storing the possessions that we’ve accumulated over the decades. We have reached out to friends and former colleagues, in the states where we have lived and ministered, to establish prayer teams. In June, we completed T.R.E.K., Rafiki’s 8-week-long online missionary training course which helped us to understand what must be surrendered (personal rights, cultural biases, assumptions, and conveniences) in order to fully serve in this portion of God’s vineyard. Part of our training included a 2-week-long “Survival Camp” that is held at the Home Office in Florida. Survival Camp coincided with Enrichment, which is a 2-day-long event filled with biblical teachings and updates on Rafiki. Rosemary Jensen, Rafiki founder and president, made an appearance as well! We have also been meeting with church mission boards and with individuals who sense God’s leading to provide prayer and financial support.

Pictured here with Rosemary Jensen

It is our hope to be serving in Ghana by November 2022. Our departure date depends on when we have raised adequate funding. Until then, please join us in prayer to accomplish this.

If you are already partnering financially with us, thank you! Your contributions, large or small, help support Rafiki’s mission to “help people know God and raise their standard of living with excellence and integrity.” If you belong to a community group or Bible study that would like to hear about Rafiki’s work, please let us know.

If you are not yet a partner, please pray that God will give you discernment and a desire to join us in this life-changing ministry. You can support us online, (with a one-time donation or a pledge to donate monthly, once we get to the field) at:

Please pray:

  • our trust and full dependence will be in God and that we’ll rest in the joy of Christ’s abundant life.
  • the Word of God will be our counsel, strength, and delight.
  • we will receive the financial provision needed for us to begin serving in Africa as soon as possible.
  • we will each grow in godly character, completing the tasks that we are given with excellence and humility.

Soli Deo Gloria,

Theodore and Crystal Wilson

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