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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

Nealey August 2022

“Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart” (Psalm 37:4).

I am truly excited because I have been selected to serve on the mission field with the Rafiki Foundation. After being blessed to serve as a public educator for over 30 years, and also as a Christian, I am ready to combine my skills and my beliefs to help the Rafiki Foundation accomplish its mission. 

The Rafiki Foundation operates in the U.S.A. and Africa supplying and managing curricula for classical Christian schools, training teachers, and providing Bible study. They operate 10 Village schools and teachers colleges on the continent of Africa. As a Rafiki Missionary, I will help train teachers using their classical Christian curriculum in one of Rafiki’s 10 countries.

Missionary living has been on my heart ever since I gave my heart to Christ. I asked the Lord what He would have me do to further His kingdom. Missions have always come at the forefront of my mind regarding my place in His kingdom. I joined a church that sponsored short-term missions and enjoyed participating in them, but I wanted something more. The opportunity came shortly after I retired and went to work part-time at a classical Christian school that my granddaughters attended. One of the departing teachers revealed her plans of going on a long-term Rafiki mission and urged others to do the same.

I was immediately hooked and now here I am living Psalm 37:4. Not only do I get to be a long-term missionary, but I get to do it in a place where I feel a deep inborn connection. My heart and my soul are truly blessed to have this opportunity to go back home to live and work with all my African cousins after an absence of over 400 years.

The Lord has equipped me so that I will not be going back empty handed, but as a resource to help my African cousins know God and raise their standard of living with excellence, which is the mission of the Rafiki Foundation. I need the help of my brothers and sisters in Christ at home in America to fulfill this mission. Won’t you please support me with your prayers, encouragement, pledges, and donations? My journey is slated to begin in the spring of 2023.