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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

Koepke September 2022

Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it (Proverbs 22:6).

We thought you would enjoy reading some news from Rafiki’s recent Facebook posts. See how God is working in the Rafiki Village Nigeria below! We celebrated another round of graduates from the Rafiki School in Nigeria! They all passed their national exams and are back with their families waiting for universities to reopen. This year marked our biggest ceremony thus far with over 500 attendees who came to support our students!

2022 Rafiki graduates along with our Rafiki Village Nigeria team

After Claudia’s parents died, she was placed in the care of her elderly grandmother. Though she tried, Claudia’s grandmother was unable to care for her and sought help. Claudia arrived at the Rafiki Village Nigeria in 2003. She is now a graduate of the Rafiki School and studies medicine and surgery at the University of Jos. She hopes to become a great doctor and help many people. She enjoys studying Scripture and is learning more about God’s plan of salvation. Claudia prays that she will know God more and trust Him always. This picture is from Rafiki’s “Transformation Tuesday” weekly Facebook highlight.

We recently partnered with Threads and Light, a widow’s ministry in Nigeria. Part of our collection from this group includes these adorable backpacks! Well-made and beautifully detailed, these are perfect as a school bag, purse, or travel bag. You can see these, along with more patterns available and additional bags from Threads and Light at our online marketplace at

One of many beautiful pieces available at the Rafiki Exchange by Threads and Light

Both Cephas’s father and mother passed away by the time he was four years old. His extended family did not have the financial means to care for him so social welfare recommended that he come to live at the Rafiki Village Nigeria. He arrived here in 2005. Even as a young child, Cephas showed great maturity. He enjoyed participating in class, completed his assignments quickly, and was very respectful. Cephas graduated from the Rafiki School in 2018 and is now in his final year of university studying industrial engineering. As Cephas seeks to grow in his spiritual maturity, he praises God that he is part of God’s family. Cephas prays that he will continue to grow in his faith and become a godly man. Cephas was also featured for “Transformation Tuesday.”

One of the reasons Rafiki’s students perform so well in university is because of the classical Christian method of instruction using Rafiki’s curricula. Rafiki has offered these curricula to homeschool families and private schools in Africa and America. If you are interested to see if this method of learning can help your family or your private school, please contact Rafiki Foundation by phone at (352) 483-9131, by e-mail at, or you can also visit the curriculum website at

Please pray that the Lord will provide more Rafiki missionaries and more day student sponsors so that we can bring Bible study and classical Christian education to more needy children . Perhaps He is calling you to be the answer to one of those prayers? Visit to learn more.

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