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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

Cicone July 2022

As we write this update, we have just returned from our final two-week training before leaving for Tanzania in mid-August. We received specific training for the roles we will assume. Gwen will be the ChildCare Administrator (CCA), teach art and music at the teacher’s college (RICE Program), and be the liaison for the active Widows Program. John will be the be the Head of the Upper School (grades 7-12), be the Facilities Manager overseeing the maintenance of the Village, and be the on-site IT guy.

Students Learning complementary colors

During our training we had opportunities to meet our Village Administrator, Laurie Eastup, and discuss the work we will be doing. We are very excited to arrive and settle in. The Tanzania Village has many wonderful national workers and is vibrant and active. We look forward to helping Laurie to administer these areas and work along side the national team. As in most schools, there are opportunities for improvement which we will work on once we arrive.

Staff Bible Study

In Tanzania, the school calendar runs from January to December with terms. When we arrive in August, students will be on break until September when the third term begins. This will give us a few weeks to get settled before the business of regular classes begins. We have a furnished home waiting for us with beautiful views of Mount Kilimanjaro. (Fun Fact: At 19,341, feet it is the tallest free-standing mountain in the world!)

A view of Mt. Kilimanjaro

Tanzania has two official languages—English and Swahili. While English is the language used in the Village, outside the Village it is not as commonly spoken. We have been using Duolingo, an online language learning app, to begin learning some Swahili. Once we arrive, we look forward to continuing our language education with a tutor.

The process of preparing to live in a foreign country is quite extensive. We sold our house last year and will move out of our apartment when we leave. We have our medical issues basically completed, but there is much preparation needed in deciding what to bring, what to do with the possessions we do not bring, and preparing to operate financially in two different countries. Additionally, we are also finishing raising our last amount of financial support.

We appreciate all the prayer and financial support we have received thus far. As we near the time for our departure, we are thankful to our Heavenly Father for calling us to this vital work, and His provision in allowing us to go.

Prayer Requests

  • That God will help us prepare spiritually and emotionally as we prepare to leave.
  • For wisdom as we decide what to bring to Tanzania.
  • That God will prepare the hearts of the students and nationals to be receptive to discipleship and evangelism.

Please enjoy these bonus pictures!

Walking to class along the tree lined path

A typical Rafiki classroom

Storytime for preprimary students

Our campus reflects God’s beauty

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