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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

Harbick Sept 2020

Wait for the LORD; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the LORD!” (Psalm 27:14).

Greetings from Nigeria!

We are nearing the end of the rainy season here on the Plateau. The maize has grown very tall and will soon be harvested. The fields and hills are green and lush but there is a change coming—the days and evenings are becoming warmer and the air is drier.

Nigeria has just resumed international flights into the country on a limited basis and eased up on many of the restrictions for movement and business.

However, this does not include the opening of schools. We did bring our resident orphans back to the Village and arranged a schedule of tutoring for them. They did not wear uniforms and did not meet in classrooms. We did ask the teachers not to assume the kids knew the subjects, but asked them to ask the students where they needed help. The federal government said in June that the students who were in JS3 and SS3 could officially return to study for the national exit exams which began the end of July. All students felt they did well. They still have two more exams in October.

2020 Rafiki graduates in cap and gown

With all the restrictions still in place, our graduating students were afraid that they could not have a graduation ceremony. (Many in Nigeria like the U.S.A. had virtual graduations.)

We tried waiting to see what restrictions would be eased but none were forthcoming. So we prayed, named a date, and moved ahead.

We have a great auditorium at the RICE complex which allowed for social distancing for each graduate to have two family members attend.

2020 Rafiki graduation with social distancing

Rafiki graduates in graduation suits with Rafiki Missionaries Carolyn and Doug Koepke, Shakiyla and Ishaku, and me

Prayer for graduates after receiving their certificates

Our graduates from last year who were waiting for university placement had just finished most of the registration for the University of Jos when the pandemic closed everything down. They were able to do some classes online or through WhatsApp. Those at Bingham University returned to Jos and were doing classes online and are just now finishing online exams. When they can return to school, they will do final projects and graduate.

Here on the Village site we have not been idle. With the probable need for social distancing in the classrooms, our maintenance department has completed two cottage conversions that allows primary one and two to move in. They have also cleaned up and emptied a cottage and readied it for another class to move temporarily. Their next project is to convert the clinic building into a temporary classroom when we reopen. The plan is to use the building for a study hall and special activities for our day students when we do not need it as a classroom. Our grounds personnel have overseen the harvesting and planting of large portions of the school and RICE areas. We were able to harvest from the grass that was planted both last year and the year before.

Our teachers have been busy with tutoring the students, doing lesson plans, moving, and redoing classrooms. It looks as if we will need to do sessions in both morning and afternoon for most grade levels with the current guidelines in place.

The resident students have had a great time learning to cook. A local volunteer who has her own cooking school has been able to come several times a month to work with different groups of our resident children.


• Graduates enrolled in the University of Jos.

• Exit exams going well and students expressing confidence in their abilities.

• God’s going before, safety, and protection.


Wisdom for Nigeria’s leaders, especially in the reopening of schools.

• Our school children (approximately 250) who are studying at home with materials we send about every 3-4 weeks prepared by their teachers.

• Protection of property and personnel as the economy is struggling.

Your prayers have been felt and are so appreciated. Safety here is found in the center of His will.

Thank you!

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