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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

Eagleman Sept 2020

Dear friends, family, and supporters,

A lot of good has been happening since our last newsletter…on July 11 we were able to fly back to Liberia! We were delighted to hear the news that we were finally able to go HOME. The journey was long, but we made it and we were happy to be back with our Liberian family and friends. We did a 14-day quarantine on the compound then were ready to get to get back to work.

Liberia has done a good job on monitoring and managing the COVID-19 cases in the country. This was not their first pandemic since they had experienced the Ebola outbreak in 2014. From March until July, our Rafiki compound was closed. Our fellow missionaries, Julie McKeighen and Christie VanKuiken, continued to manage the Village while we were stuck in the States. They kept the sixty-seven children busy with tutorial classes, movies, and games in the gym.

Since August, Liberia has no longer been in a State of Emergency status, so we have been able to carefully start opening our compound to our regular activities. The government allowed us to start school for children in the sixth grade and up. Although, we still do not know when our younger children will be able to start school, we have been preparing education packets for them to be doing at home in the community.

Since being back, Brittany has been studying with the mothers on our calling to be humble. We have studied the teaching and example of Jesus—learning together to humble and empty ourselves so that we can be filled with God’s plan and will for our lives. Jeremy was very thankful for his assistant, Hassan, who was able to live on-site and care for all the maintenance of the Village while we were gone.

Asher has been happy to be home and enjoying his African playground. He is growing stronger and learning new words every day. He brings us so much joy and we are thankful for his experience he will get growing up in Africa.

One of our children, John, broke his arm while unsuccessfully practicing his freestyle gymnastic skills. He will be having surgery soon to set the bone in his arm.

Please join us in praying for:

The government to resume school for preschool to fifth grade.

• Our study of humility and the Rafiki Bible Study on the Book of James with the mothers and children.

• Our surrounding community as they face daily hardship to support and care for their families.

• Continued endurance, strength, and discernment for us as we are called to serve this ministry in Liberia.

Jeremy and I are very thankful for our extended time in the States. Although it was not planned, it was a blessing. We were able to spend our time with our family and get some much needed physical and spiritual rest.

We are thankful for every single one of our supporters as we all work together to fulfill our commission from Matthew 28:19-20 “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”

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