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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

Sept Allinder 2020

Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the Lord!” (Psalm 27:14).

Greetings from Rafiki Village Zambia!

Waiting can be hard! That is maybe why we read so many verses in the Bible about waiting like Psalm 40:1, 130:5, and Isaiah 30:18. Maybe now you are waiting… waiting for results from a medical test, waiting to travel again, waiting to learn if your child’s or grandchild’s school will reopen. Please take Psalm 27:14 above as comfort and encouragement.

Here at the Rafiki Village Zambia, we are waiting also. During this waiting season, we are relying on the verse above and striving to be strong and take heart. In this newsletter, I would like to share some of our waiting situations.

Waiting during grief. In June this year, one of the Rafiki Mothers passed away due to a heart condition. Mama Rachel had served here for twelve years and was mother to ten sweet boys. She is deeply missed by her boys, all the Rafiki children, her own family, and all her Rafiki coworkers. But we take encouragement knowing that she is with the Lord today.

Mama Rachel and boys

Please pray that God’s comfort will be real to all who loved and miss Mama Rachel. Please pray also for the other Rafiki Mothers who miss their dear friend and especially for two Mamas who have health problems that necessitate being on medical leave.

Waiting during uncertainty. Zambia re-opened schools in July but only for examination classes (Grades 7, 9, 12). For our students who are in the other grades, the teachers create—and later correct—weekly packets of work to help the students stay caught up. For the resident non-examination children, this is also a time for them to develop other skills. In my June newsletter, I shared how the high school boys were learning basic construction skills while helping build a chicken house. Other boys have been learning how to make sidewalks, and the older girls are learning basic sewing and tailoring skills. Some of the high school residents also meet daily with the younger children for literature groups and math circles.

Tenth graders making cement for the sidewalk

Beginning tailoring lessons

Fourth grade literature group at home

Please pray for all the children in Zambia who are not in school, that they will be able to return soon, that they are safe during this time period, and that they return with greater appreciation for education.

Waiting for the future. This year is the first time our school has had grade twelve students. They will graduate in December (our school year begins in January). This is a great class of fifteen bright and eager young men and women. Like all high school seniors, they think a lot about their future. What career should I pursue? Where will I live next year? Who will my friends be? How will being out of school for ten weeks affect my final examination results?

Grade twelve physics lesson during COVID-19

Please pray for these young people as they await God’s future for them. Please pray they have courage and confidence and that they will see their faith strengthened during the coming months.

I pray that each of you, during this waiting season, remain healthy and are enjoying God’s assurance and peace now. I also pray you know how much I appreciate your enduring prayer, support, and encouragement.

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