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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work


28 Jan 21
Sponsor a Day Student
For a child in Africa, attending school means more than ABCs and 123s; it can be lifesaving. When a child in Africa cannot be in school,...
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19 Jan 21
Jason Hubbard
Hubbard January 2021
It is hard to put into words what the past couple of years have been like. I have experienced joy and sadness, happiness, and pain....
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19 Jan 21
Rachel and Eric Aluvisia
Aluvisia January 2021
Happy New Year to you! I pray that this year will be another year full of experiencing God’s mercy and grace as we continue our...
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15 Jan 21
Prayers Answered: Rafiki Tanzania’s Secondary School Registration
In 2018, the Rafiki Village Tanzania began construction on three new science laboratories to meet the secondary school registration...
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14 Jan 21
Kiley Bronke
Bronke January 2021
Happy New Year! I know many have eagerly anticipated 2021 and the hope that comes with new possibilities. I pray that you can step into...
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08 Jan 21
Solomon Ishaku January 2021
Isn’t it a humbling reminder that we cannot even worship God to our fullest potential without His help? We become so burdened with “doing...
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17 Dec 20
Esther Honegger
Honegger December 2020
While 2020 has been full of challenges, both for me individually and for the Rafiki Village, it has also been a year of growth, ripening...
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11 Dec 20
Amy Ketcham and Tekle Kumera
Ketcham Kumera December 2020
What a wonderful and comforting reminder that we are not alone. God is with us. Jesus loves us, comforts us, forgives us, and gives us...
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11 Dec 20
Anica Pederson
A. Pederson December 2020
Merry Christmas everyone!
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11 Dec 20
Julie McKeighen
McKeighen December 2020
This fall the security guards and I have been going through the letters of the Apostle Peter again, and I am so blessed and encouraged by...
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