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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work


15 Mar 21
Vicky and Mike Koch
Koch March 2021
Senior four (grade 10) is studying R.C. Sproul’s book, Everyone’s a Theologian. This week we studied the Holy Spirit, where Sproul wrote,...
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15 Mar 21
Maureen and Jay Richards
Richards March 2021
OK, let’s be honest—who doesn’t like hot, buttery, yummy popcorn? Recently, a well-known author and Kingdom worker described answering...
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15 Mar 21
Anica Pederson
Pederson March 2021
We have had unexpected rains which has made everything lush and beautiful. As a Village, we are two months into our Genesis Bible study....
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22 Feb 21
Irene Dafoe
Dafoe February 2021
This is the Lord’s encouragement to us through the Psalmist! So, let us exalt His Name together, dear ones!
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17 Feb 21
Sara and Phil Nickels
Nickels February 2021
Let’s just start with the best news we have had in a long time; Rafiki Tanzania’s secondary school opened in January of this year. As of...
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17 Feb 21
Sarah McMahon
McMahon February 2021
Happy New Year from Ethiopia! I cannot believe I have already been here for three and a half months!
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17 Feb 21
Solomon Ishaku February 2021
Happy New Year! I know last year’s “Happy New Year!” was a bit more dramatic with the wedding announcement, but I am confident that just...
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17 Feb 21
Lisa and Del Kropf
Kropf February 2021
Greetings from Rafiki Village Kenya. We had safe travels getting here and arrived January 17, 2021. At the writing of this newsletter, we...
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17 Feb 21
Catherine Upton
Upton February 2021
Training has begun! I am three weeks into TREK, an eight-week online training course for Long-Term Rafiki Missionaries. The course is...
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17 Feb 21
Martha Newton
Newton February 2021
Things are changing at the Village. Read my February newsletter to find out how!
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