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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

Jackson October 2021

For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them” (Ephesians 2:10).

Paul writes to the Ephesians to remind believers that “For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them” Ephesians 2:8-10.

The more I study God’s Word, the more I realize that He has predestined me for more than I could have ever imagined. His plans to use my experiences, and my gifts have flourished within me and I know it has been His doing. All I have known has been His work in me and through me to glorify Him. And He is not done with me. He has called me to new heights of leadership and responsibility.

I originally came to Kenya with Rafiki as an athletic director. After several months and COVID, I was asked to become the secondary school headmaster. In this position, I am able to serve and help the school flourish, help teachers come to know more about the Lord, and more. After two years of service, Rafiki has asked me to become the headmaster over the three schools, Preschool through Grade 12. Honestly, I struggled to accept this responsibility, as I focused on my short comings, weaknesses, and insecurities. BUT GOD, lifted my eyes up off myself to gaze upon who He is.

As His Word says, nothing I have done has brought me to where I am. It is all Him, by His grace. He is at the wheel, doing the work. He called me to serve with Rafiki in October 2019, and now He has asked me to extend my time and to serve in a greater capacity. I am His workmanship. I am committed to doing the good work, and daily I pray that I shall walk in faith, trusting where the Lord has me.

School updates

  • We just finished term 1 of the 2021 school year. We have a week off before resuming term 2. The 2021 and 2022 school years have been shortened to 30 weeks each school year to get the school calendar back on track in 2023. Please pray for our students to study diligently during this time.
  • We continue to study the Word using the Rafiki Bible Study every morning at school. We are currently studying the Book of Matthew which will take us 20 weeks to complete.
  • Teachers continue to be enthusiastic about the work as they embrace the opportunity to glorify the Lord and share the truth about Jesus and His faithfulness with the students through the Rafiki classical Christian curriculum.

Personal updates

  • As I have committed to extend my time with Rafiki, I pray that you will continue partnering with me to help Africans know God through the teaching and study of His Word and raise their standard of living through education and training.
  • Currently I need more monthly partners to help me reach my monthly financial goals. Please contact me directly for more information.
  • Paul and I are doing great learning that with each day, we can trust the Lord. He will increase our love for each other and teach us to die to ourselves for His glory. Paul truly has been a blessing, teaching me much how to be more empathetic and compassionate towards others.
  • Paul hurt his knee playing soccer with his students. He may need surgery in another month. We are currently waiting for the swelling to decrease so he can get an MRI. We pray that his ACL is not torn. He is still teaching from a chair, in a brace, and working on his biceps, thanks to the crutches.

Prayer requests

  • Patient endurance and courage as I walk in the good work that the Lord has for me.
  • Diligence and discipline to lead myself well, that I may lead others well.
  • Trust and depend on the Lord for grace and strength.

Join my support team

I currently need support team members who will commit to:

  • Prayer
  • Monthly Giving
  • Annual Giving

Donation Link:

Due to security reason, my name on Rafiki’s website is Nichole Jackson. My picture will not be posted on their website. If you have any questions, please contact me.

I MISS YOU ALL DEARLY and I remember you and your faithfulness daily. ALL MY LOVE.

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