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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

Allinder November 2021

…give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you” (1 Thessalonians 5:18).

It is overwhelming for me to think of all I have to give thanks for, so I am going to organize some of what I am thankful for using an acrostic of the letters THANKS. Here it goes…

T is for transition. I am thankful to see God’s faithfulness during this time of transitioning from the Rafiki Schools being primarily for resident orphans to being primarily for day scholars. I am especially thankful for all who sponsor one of the day students. The quality of education we offer is outstanding, and expensive. It is sadly beyond the means of most families here, especially the ones nearest us, many of whom are subsistence farmers. Would you consider helping one of the day students continue to be able to partake of this outstanding education? Find out more at

Day students celebrating 100 days of kindergarten

H omes for resident orphans. I am thankful that God has used the Rafiki Foundation to provide homes for over 800 orphans in the ten Rafiki Villages. I am especially thankful for the sponsors of these children. Because of their generosity, these children have had loving homes, healthy meals, and good education. Would you consider helping one of these resident orphans? Find out more at

Resident boys waiting at their gazebo to walk to church Sunday morning

A ssisting some of the most vulnerable. I am thankful that God continues to use Rafiki Foundation to help widows—an extremely vulnerable group in the ten countries where Rafiki operates. I am thankful that these women have the Rafiki Bible Study and the mechanism to sell their beautiful, handcrafted items at fair market prices through the Rafiki Exchange. I am also thankful that all proceeds from widows product sold through Rafiki directly benefits these women. Would you consider supporting some of these widows by purchasing beautiful products for yourself or as gifts? There is something for everyone, from handmade linen wraps, stuffed animals and dolls, beautiful handmade baskets, to items for use in the kitchen. The Exchange even has coffee! You can do this by visiting the Rafiki Exchange in person in Florida, or shopping on-line at

Some widows products at the Rafiki Exchange

N ew opportunities for teacher training. I am thankful that the Rafiki Institute of Classical Education (RICE) provides opportunities to prepare teachers to teach in classical Christian schools. These future teachers learn much about the Bible, teaching practices, literature, art, music, and history. They have practicum in our Rafiki Schools during each of the three years they are in school. I am also thankful for the assistance they give to our students and teachers as they complete their practica. Would you consider helping this program grow by praying that God will open opportunities for more classical Christian schools to begin, to use our curriculum, and to employ these well-prepared teachers?

RICE practicum student with third grade reading group

K nowledge of the Bible. Of all the things I am thankful for, the Rafiki Bible Study tops the list. I personally am blessed as I do the study for myself and then I am further blessed as I daily lead our teachers through Bible discussion (we currently are studying Matthew) and visit classrooms where teachers faithfully and joyfully lead students in the Rafiki Bible Study. I am so thankful as I hear the hymn being sung and the weekly memory verse and catechism question being recited as I visit the four school buildings. Before we begin our school day with Bible study, the resident children have had morning devotions at home and our Village Administrator has led the same study with all the national workers—cooks, groundskeepers, maintenance, laundry, etc… Would you consider blessing yourself, your family, your Sunday school class with the same great Bible study? Check it out at

Grade level 4 Bible lesson

S upport of my work with Rafiki. Twenty years ago this month, I was packing up my career and house in preparation for moving to Ghana to work at the first Rafiki School. I am so thankful God has given me this opportunity! I am also so thankful for the prayer and financial support that has made this possible. I daily thank God for each of you.

Please pray for:

  • All 250 Rafiki Day Students to have sponsors and be fully funded soon.
  • For generous giving to the Africa Expansion Campaign. Rafiki is entering a season of exponential growth. We anticipate the thousands that Rafiki is currently ministering to across our 10 countries will turn to tens of thousands. To meet these new opportunities, we are asking God for a 25% increase over Rafiki’s current annual budget which could increase Rafiki’s impact 10-fold.

Note : Rafiki is now able to accept non-cash gifts such as real estate or estate bequests. Contact for more information.

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