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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

Nealey March 2024

I am truly enjoying my sojourn in Liberia. I have met some wonderful people whom I hope will be forever friends. I will be moving on to Malawi in the middle of March. It saddens me to have to say goodbye to all my new friends. I am so grateful for the grace and instruction that I received from Julie McKeighen and ChristieTokpah.

I have learned a lot about the administration of the Rafiki Village from them. Thanks to them, I have confidence that I will be able to succeed in my new ministry in Malawi. They are teaching me so much about the day-to-day runnings of the Village—things that I did not even realize were necessary, like following the daily protocol to keep the Village secure, working with the security team, or scheduling the time sheets of the many different sets of employees throughout the Village.

Emma, the Assistant Orphan Care Administrator, graciously agreed to let me mirror her in her duties. I am so grateful to her because I will be the Orphan Care Administrator in Malawi. I have come to love and respect all seven of the Liberian Rafiki Mothers, or more affectionately called “Mamas.” They are doing a great job of nurturing and loving the residents. I am truly amazed at the polite and respectful young ladies and gentlemen they are rearing as they give them the same love and affection as would a birth mother. The children, who are now in their teens, look upon these women the same as birth mothers. As I said they are amazing. These ladies are in charge of up to ten teenagers and have been in charge of them since they were about two years old. Hats off to these Mamas because they deserve it! I have thoroughly enjoyed the young men and young ladies here at the Village. I have had a chance to join them for devotions, sports activities, and walks on the beach. They are great athletes, and they excel at soccer and volleyball. Next week they are having a track meet and I just know they will be great! Julie is giving me an excellent opportunity to spend some time with all the people involved in the smooth running of the Village.

The Home Office visited the Village at the end of February and Lisa Kropf joined me and the Rafiki Mamas for Bible study

Christie is also training me on how to implement the curriculum in the RICE Program so I am getting to work directly with the students. I have been teaching in the student cohorts, evaluating the practicums of student teachers, and instructing them in best practices, as well as guiding them in preparing for quizzes, midterms, and finals on their journeys to becoming classical Christian education teachers. We are wrapping up a ten-week-long term so there are lots of things to do. One cohort will become certified teachers in the next term. A new cohort will also be formed next term which will begin the first of April. I am getting the opportunity to help with the beginning and the end point of the teacher training.

I have learned so much in these past three months. It reminds me of my new favorite old Scripture, Philippians 3:12-14 “Not that I have already obtained this or am already perfect, but I press on to make it my own, because Christ Jesus has made me his own. Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” Only I do not want to forget anything about the Rafiki Village in Liberia. Everything is bittersweet. I love it here and it saddens me to leave my new friends behind, but I look forward to my new life in Malawi.

My prayer requests have not changed. Please pray that I develop relationships with my team members, national staff, and children that promote fellowship which evolves into unity and trust. Also pray that I trust the Lord to give me the wisdom and courage I need to manage the ministry He has given me with excellence and integrity. I also extend a special thank you to my sponsors. You have made me realize that the Lord equips us with what we need to do His work. Most of you I have never met and maybe never will meet, but you chose to sponsor me in this mission. I thank the Lord for all my sponsors and prayer partners and pray God will bless you and your families.

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