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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work


19 Nov 22
Kiley Bronke
Bronke November 2022
A new school year has begun, and the Rafiki Classical Christian school is focusing its efforts on intentionally joyful learning.
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19 Nov 22
Gwen and John Cicone
Cicone November 2022
They say, “Time flies” and that is so true as we are well underway with our work at Rafiki Tanzania! Our first four months have been a...
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19 Nov 22
Rose Allinder
Allinder November 2022
As we enter the gift-giving season, I begin this newsletter by thanking you for your gifts to me—gifts of prayer, of financial support,...
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18 Oct 22
Rose Allinder
Allinder October 2022
Work is a blessing and a privilege. It is important not just to earn a living but to develop important virtues like diligence, fortitude,...
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18 Oct 22
Michelle and David Graves
Graves October 2022
The Lord’s love is on display in Rafiki Village Uganda. Read interviews in our newest newsletter of first year students at the Rafiki...
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07 Oct 22
Gwen and John Cicone
Cicone October 2022
We Made It! After two years of consideration, prayer, training, and planning we arrived in Moshi, Tanzania on August 17. God was gracious...
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07 Oct 22
Paul and Amber Okoth
Okoth October 2022
Praise be to God for the many things He has done throughout this year here at Rafiki Village Kenya.
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07 Oct 22
Anica Pederson
Pederson October 2022
We have been studying Leviticus this school term and I am constantly amazed by how connected the Bible is, and how God has used and is...
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07 Oct 22
Maureen and Jay Richards
Richards October 2022
This letter comes fast on the heels of our last letter only a month ago, but we want to share our excitement in the miracles that the...
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07 Oct 22
Anna Liebing
Liebing October 2022
In the last several months, the Village has been studying Exodus and Leviticus in our devotions, and how rich they are! One thing we have...
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