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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

Kropf April 2024

By this we know love, that he laid down his life for us, and we ought to lay down our lives for the brothers. But if anyone has the world’s goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God’s love abide in him? Little children, let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth (1 John 3:16-18).

We want to begin by thanking you for the way you have been a part of enabling us to serve our African brothers and sisters. Your continuing support is a display of God’s love abiding in you that is extending out to the least of these. We are thankful!

This year has been off to a good start. Del had his one-year checkup at Northwestern in Chicago in February and was told he is doing great! He has been cleared and approved to travel. The rest of his follow-up care can be done now at his local doctor. We are thankful!

Lisa is continuing to travel with a group from the Home Office visiting Rafiki Villages in Africa. In February they traveled to four Villages mainly in West Africa and in April they will be traveling to the remaining six Villages in East Africa. It has been a blessing to be able to encourage, examine, and expand the work in those countries. Below are just a few pictures from Lisa’s trip to Africa in February. We are thankful!

Rafiki Mothers in Ghana

Rafiki girls in Ghana

Rafiki boys and their Cottage Mother in Ghana

Rafiki Mothers in Liberia and new missionary May Nealy (pictured top row third from left)

In each Rafiki Village we employ national women/parents to be mothers/parents to the orphans that live there. These women/parents are missionaries in their own country. They live in the Village with the children, many times leaving their extended family to come serve. They attend weekly training, daily Bible study, they lead Bible study with the children, and work in the Villages during the day while the children are at school. As the Orphan Care coordinator here at Rafiki, when Lisa travels to the Villages, she meets with the Rafiki Mothers offering encouragement and instruction. These mothers/parents love the Lord and love the children and are doing a great job nurturing and loving the children. Lisa’s social work degree, her experience raising children, and her time in Kenya have been a part of God’s equipping for serving in this way. We are thankful!

Del continues to learn and interact with our missionaries on the field concerning purchasing the necessary supplies for the Villages. This involves school supplies, curriculum, Sunday school, and Rafiki Bible Study materials. The list is endless. He is also helping out with the shipping and receiving end of this process. There is always lots of work for him to do. We are thankful!

We would like to invite you to visit us here in Florida and give you a tour of the Rafiki Foundation Home Office. Would you consider going on a short-term missions trip to one of our Villages? This is a great way to go serve and encourage the missionaries that live there. Rafiki is now offering an online short-term training program that would allow you to go to Africa and serve. We can guarantee you will never regret it! You will be thankful!


  • Del’s good 1 year kidney checkup in Chicago.
  • Strength, health, and all the visa details for Lisa as she traveled in February. Gods guidance in the training with the Rafiki Mothers/Parents.

To donate online: go to, select “Support a Missionary” from the drop-down menu in the upper right, type our last name in the search bar, and it will bring up a link to our personal page, you can then enter the amount that you would like to give or go browse our page for information and newsletters.

Prayer Requests

  • Lisa’s upcoming travels to East Africa at the end of April/May. Please pray for strength and health.
  • Wisdom for Del as he works on purchasing and order processing from the missionaries and Rafiki’s Outreach Program.
  • Pray for all our Rafiki children to have godly families to raise up another generation of godly contributors to their countries.

To donate by check: send your check to the Rafiki Home Office at PO Box 1988, Eustis FL 32727 with our name and missionary number (251) in the memo line.

Thank you again!

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