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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

Allinder June 2022

“A good name is to be chosen rather than great riches” (Proverbs 22:1).

Names are important, aren’t they? The name “Rafiki” tells you a lot about this ministry—or it does once you realize it is a Swahili word that means “friend” and not a Disney character.

Rafiki Foundation is a friend to people in ten countries in Africa. How? We provide loving homes to orphans. We help widows support themselves by providing a market for their crafts at the Rafiki Exchange or online. We help young adults who want to become teachers at the Rafiki Institute of Classical Education (RICE). We provide classical Christian education to hundreds of children ages three years to grade 12 at a very low cost. We provide in-depth Bible study like nothing else easily available to most people here. We are also a friend to people in the U.S. who may purchase our Bible study and classical Christian curriculum from the Rafiki website.

Rafiki residents of Haggai Cottage at family devotions before school

Early Childhood 3 at obstacle course prepared by future teachers at RICE

I was thinking about names recently when I was updating our school register. We now have 337 students in our school, 100 of them in our early childhood classes alone.

Sprinkled among the class lists are names that would be familiar to you: Anna, Frank, Betty, etc. You would also not be surprised to see many names taken from the Bible. We have three Josephs, two Marys, two James, three Emmanuels, a Paul, an Isaac, a Caleb, and an Ebenezer. Of course, there are many names that might look unfamiliar unless you knew Cinyanja or Lozi or Bemba or one of the many other languages here.

You might be surprised by the number of names that tell something meaningful about the child or his/her family. We have four Hopes, three Graces, seven Blessings, two Prospers, three Faiths, three Comforts, two Gifts, and one Mercy.

It would be pretty easy for me to relate this list of names to the reasons for our work at Rafiki, most importantly the Rafiki Bible Study. Only God, through Jesus Christ, gives us Faith through His Mercy and Grace. He is the true source of Hope and Comfort. Only because of Him may we Prosper in this life and the one to come through his limitless Blessing.

Secondary students who are a blessing by coming early to help prepare breakfast for all of the day students

I could go a bit further and relate this to the classical Christian education we provide. Our curriculum is written with Christ at the center, emphasizing that in Him and through Him and for Him all things (including chemistry, math, grammar, history, etc.) were created. What a Blessing to be taught this at an early age! Many of our families see education as a way to end the cycle of poverty, thus it is a Comfort and it gives Hope for their children to Prosper in the future.

Rafiki younger soccer team after winning their match against a neighboring school

Grade 11 Bible teacher and student during morning Bible lesson (outside in the warm sun)

Parents know this education is a Gift. The parents know that the fees they pay could not provide all the funds necessary to provide the quality education we do. Because of this, we are praying for many more donors who will sponsor day students in our schools. You can find out more at

I will end this letter saying how grateful I am for each of you. Your prayers and financial support are truly a Comfort and Blessing!

Thank you so very much!!

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